Professions help?

So I’m gonna make a druid finally and I was really liking the idea of skinning and leatherworking. Can you make your own armour doing this? What can the profession make that’s beneficial to druids?

Yes. But mind you, you can only have so many crafted pieces on the high end. But starting out, yes you can make an entire set of crafted leather gear for your druid.

Outside of that, alchemy makes potions and flasks which is always useful. Inscription for enchants. Jewelry for rings and necklaces and sockets (unless thats Blacksmithing). Enchanting for the obvious.

Skinning + LW is a great combination. I’ve got 3 Druids.

  1. Herbalism + mining
  2. Herbalism + Alchemy
  3. Skinning + LW
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To be clear, Inscription is not for enchanting. (Grizzle knows this, I am sure, and merely had a typo!) I would say that Inscription is only moderately good for newer players. You can make various consumables that give you temporary buffs, but the real drive for the profession is to create missives and other reagents that other professions can use to improve their crafted gear.

At the high end, Inscription does provide off-hand gear items, trinkets, and staves, all of which are useful to various Druid specializations, but a newer player would probably get more benefit from the broader range of immediately useable armor that Leatherworking provides.

TLDR: yes, Skinning and Leatherworking are good professions for a Druid!

(For the record, this character is Inscription + Herbalism!)