Professions fail. Why no surveys in wow?


First main issue, not enough knowledge points. I started with my pally as herba mining. I spent about 90 points in those professions and decided to switch. Bad idea. Now I’m JC Alchemy (my standard professions) and I only have half the points I had on herba mining in the first TWW week. How come ? I farmed all the treasures, bought the rep points that I had currency for. Why this points difference ? Because I bought some with that rep currency. Now that re currency is gone forever, together with my mining and herba professions knowledge points. Fail design 100% on this for me, since I wasn’t reimbursed with the rep currency I used to buy the skill points for herba and mining and I cannot recover those points anymore, for the entire rest of the expansion. I know that you’ll never be able to fill all the knowledge points in all the trees before everything will become of zero importance and interest.

I need right now more knowledge points, to unlock more things and to have fun.
Being so poor with the professions is a huge no no for me.
Changing the professions on your main is horrible. It is easier to make another char with different professions - this is against the purpose: I want a simple game, playing 1-2 chars, not something to lose my mind on. I have very limited time to play wow. I want to PVE, PVP, not to become crazy crafting a flask. Also I don’t have time to level up 12 alts for each profession. Now WoW is a game for the 12h daily hardcore players just to craft a flask ? Do I have to buy tokens with real money to buy some flasks from AH so that some hardcore player could buy his wow time with gold ? No. This isn’t the game I started to play almost 20 years ago. If this is the direction, we’ll have to say goodbye.

Second major issue, the drop rate for recipes and in general for most things is absurdly low. Today I spent tens of thousands worth of gold mats to experiment with alchemy. After 36 tries (6+ hours of tries !!!) I didn’t get ANY flask recipe. I’m not saying that I didn’t get the haste one that I needed the most for myself. I didn’t get ANY recipe. None. Nada. Nothing. Niente. Rien. Nunca. Nimic. I’m not doing this to become rich on AH and buy that silly dinosaur. I’m trying to craft some poor quality flasks for myself, for the start of the season next week

Why are you favoring the 24h / day farmers, paying to play with gold in detriment of your paying customers ? I’m buying the game time every 6-12 months with real money, I’m a casual player and I would like to enjoy the game and level my professions with ease, be able to change the professions on my main if I wish to. Maybe I want to try engi …not a chance. If you get a recipe, you must hold on it with your life now. Why are you favoring the 1% hardcore against the vast majority of your player base ?!? Go out, play other MMO’s to see how bad the professions are in wow compared to everything else out there.

This system is absolutely horrible. I do not understand why did you ruin the beautiful simple design we had in the past ? TBC, Cata, WoTLK. Best times for professions.
Now it’s a nightmare.

After one day of fail tries with alchemy, I lost any kind of wish to continue leveling this profession.

GUYS !!! I’m working long hours in real life. I play wow to relax. I don’t have the time to wait 10 minutes after every stupid explosion so i could try again, or to exploit some solo content to reset the timer. This design is incredibly bad. Are you trying to force ALL the casual players to quit the game ? Imagine the horror and the stress of any new player. You’ll be left then with your 1%, paying for wow with gold every month. GL paying your bonuses and salaries then. I’m pretty sure your shareholders won’t be happy either.

With the launch of TWW we got one new player in your guild. The poor guy doesn’t understand a thing and he’s very annoying already with all the newb questions. The game is VERY difficult for a newcomer … the professions are just impossible to understand as they are now.

And yes, congrats (sarcasm off) to the designer team behind the professions: today I was one step away from cancelling my sub and uninstalling the game because of alchemy. After more than 15 years of wow you managed to force me at 46 years old to rage quit wow alt-f4.

Maybe you’ll change something. I can assure you that you will lose a lot of players just because of this. In my guild of casual players (and we’re 500+) nobody is enjoying your system. Not even one. The one thing still keeping me playing wow at my age are my RL friends, still playing wow too. If they decide to quit, guess what ? I’m out too.

You know what is the craziest thing Blizzard does ? It doesn’t have any kind of satisfaction surveys. You should ask your players about the game, with some quest that gives nice rewards. If you wish to change any important system in the game, ask the players with a poll - maybe we do not want to change anything. Look at some Chinese game, called Genshin Impact. There, every 2 weeks, you can complete a satisfaction survey on the game, any new content, any little change, and you’ll get a currency reward for it. They truly care about their players, their satisfaction, etc. In WoW ? Nothing official. This is sad, to see the lack of care and interest for your customers.

Thanks for reading. And yes, I know you need to maintain the prices high in AH, so that ppl will buy the tokens and this is helping the wow economy & Blizzard’s $$. Selling the tokens for gold was the worst thing that could happen to WoW for the casual players and is slowly destroying the game we loved for so many years.

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U should re-roll to constructor because what a wall of text

P.d catchup mechanics arent there yet

Not understanding the system doesn’t make it a bad system

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The system works as intended.

It’s a massive gold sink that only pays off with significant Chinese style farming, dumping huge amounts of gold into it, or with an alt army.

The first and third get their MAU’s up for stockholders . The second means many people swipe the credit card to convert tokens to gold to front the gold needed to make the profession workable without massive farming/alt army.

They purposely made professions super grindy and time consuming. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

I can’t believe I have to engage with the game to use professions :confused: it’s really messed up

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3/10. Maybe someone else will take it.

I was with you until about paragraph 7 or 8 then I realized you’re doing to us what you claim professions are doing to you

TL,DR: OP has no idea what he is doing, randomly clicks stuff, has zero planning skills, and felt the need to show off his own inadequacies in a public forum


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