Professions are nothing more than a gold sink for all players who did not fully focus on them from day 1

There’s no way to catch up on knowledge points. Attempting to do this requires crafting items at a loss, and by the time you’ve done everything you can, you’re still behind.

Even some crafters who have a decent number of knowledge points made the mistake of choosing a spec that simply isn’t profitable, and there’s no way for them to reset their knowledge points.

Professions have become a gold mine for 10% of the playerbase and a complete nightmare for the other 90%.


I use my tailoring for my own personal gear , why would i need someone else to do it?


well technically there is a small catch up from the vendor that does the quest for orders


here’s a little secret for you - crafting professions are little more than a gold sink for most of the people who focused on them from day 1 as well.


now the BOP gears can be crafted by work order, why would anyone take the professions? for gold? that’s risky business lol


I mostly just use them for myself and my alts. It’s too much time and effort to try and become some kind of crafting baron.


I think I’ve lost the most on trying to level jewelcrafting. Huge loss on the leveling gems because they require awakened stuff to make and sell for nothing. I like some things about the new system but the multiple specializations and craft specific stats are just too much.


I’ve made 950k in the past 2 days from a pre-dragonflight profession. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


My alts do alchemy level 1 (2 hr flask duration) and a gathering profession and thats it now.

Because I can buy most crafted items cheaper than I can craft them (including rare pieces like the lariat) functionally crafting has no value to me anymore but means I get to save alot of gold expansion to expansion now


laughs in people who bought lariat recipe early on for 2m

Most of them probably didn’t even profit. Only guy I have seen who has profited greatly from DF professions was a guy who spec’d into wep enchants very early on and now has like 3 cash stacks.

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If you mean the “Notes” and “Drawings” items from Rabul, how is that a catch up, exactly? Everyone gets it, and you can’t get it faster than you get the rep anyway.

Is there another thing that you meant?


well if swap professions you can get those and use them
like i said a small catch up

Who are you racing against?


Why even do professions if you can’t make useful items while they are in demand? Is it a checkbox for you on your “list of things to do that don’t matter to me”?


I sank 40 points in chemical synthesis for alchy, which is 100% useless.

Now I’m always behind the efficency curve to make gold, in terms of mats cost.

It means the proffession is useless to me the entire expansion. I can’t make gold. I’m just undercut by people making more profit that invested in the good traits and ill never catch up.

Without enough multicraft/inspiration, its a money loss to make pots vs just selling herbs, lol. And the price drops week over week as the market barons keep skilling up.

By the same logic, I buy my own pots even as an alchy… might as well drop it for another gathering I guess.


Dear OP,
It is sad that they ruined the professions in this way. I used to enjoy this part of the game and had always made all the items I needed for myself when it came to raiding. Now I don’t bother. :woman_shrugging:


Alchemy is still super powerful it multiples phial duration by 4 (to 2hrs) so you go from needing 8 for a 4hr raid to 2 (or 6 for a 3hr raid to 2 and still have an hour of duration left)

Yeah, thats right, and the in combat bonuses to potion use.

But I’m broke ):

Wish I could make 10k for clicking a button 20 times a day

For the Alchemists who knew to go directly in to Phials and didn’t waste knowledge points without knowing there was no way to reset them.

We need a reset.

I mean it was obvious there was no way to reset them, but yes I guess people could have specced into making trinkets for some reason