Just a minor complaint from a quality of life place
You can no longer use the auction house and profession tab at the same time.
This is a horrible quality of life change. Since you could shift click the reagent in the search bar to quickly find goods to craft.
It would be nice if yall can fix this for the expansion launch.
There are a few bugs with this that I have found. You can open the auction house first and then open a crafting tab and that works. If you open the crafting tab first and then click on the auction house the crafting tab closes. If you have both open and then craft items there is a new ‘loot window’ that will pop up with the items you are making. This is a wonderful feature, however, this feature closes the auction house.
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It seems that the crafting UI window is so large if it is open first and then the AH that is what causes it to close. Maybe if we could resize the panel it would stay open. I’d still like a toggle to disable the ‘loot window’ while crafting so it does not close the AH.
If you have the crafting tab and AH tab open together and minimize some categories in the crafting tab like ‘Optional Reagents’ and ‘Gems’ and many others and then post an auction those minimized categories then unminimize.
Quite a few other buggy interactions with AH tab and crafting window open. If you’re in the middle of making an item you really have trouble clicking on other craftable items while the craft is taking place. It is like it ignores mouse presses from time to time.
Just so many weird issues if you have the AH and Crafting tab open together. It gets even worse if you start using Optional Reagents.
Do some auction house addons circumvent this in your experience?
The only AH addon I use is Auctionator. However I disabled it and tried the same thing I’ve been doing and all the issues are still there. AH closes if I craft something that goes into that ‘loot window’. If I had minimized categories they open back up when I post something on the AH.
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I have just been putting the items I want to search in say. It’s a bit annoying but it’s a workaround. I apologize to all those people seeing the /say spam lol.
Just adding my 2c in here because I’d love for this to get fixed too. Not needing to remember the names of random reagents and the quantity needed to buy would be a great QoL upgrade. Please please!
I would also love for this feature to be fixed and updated. It is horrible that Bliz decreases the quality of life and now my dyslexic brain can’t cant use the AH without taking a screengrab or tracking the recipe.
I was just complaining about this to some guildies…and apparently they can open both at the same time, but I can’t… possibly because they have ultra-wide monitors, it seems?
I heard higher resolutions might not have this issue but who knows.
I dropped my Use UI Scale to 64% and was able to get the AH and Profession tab up at the same time again.
Not sure this is the best fix, but it’s a fix.
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Just Play on 3440x1440…jokes aside its annoying and should be addressed asap. This really is backwards development in terms of usability.
thank you. and i think i like the ui at this scale. never thought to do this before.
i have the AH and the profession window open at the same time. to do this open setting (windows 10 or 11) system < display < scale and select 100% -default is around 120%- it makes everything a bit small but this way works
That crafting results window needs to go too.
I have absolutely no need for it, but its constantly in my way
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