Profession Weekly Quests did not reset!

All profession weekly quests (Artisan quest, Treatise, and unique loot drops from treasures) Jewelcrafting and Engineering did not reset for my Mage (this character posting) with weekly resets. LOL, wtf was the server downtime this week messing with??

Update: Actually, none of my weekly stuff reset. WTaF.

This Mage is the first character I logged into after servers can up. All other characters after this are fine it seems.

So am I just totally screwed for this week on this character??

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I’m dealing with the same thing with JC and my Treatise not resetting for JC/Mining

Same issue , no weekly quest

Same issue, could not use either of my treatise after reset and the weekly artisan quest wasn’t available.

I sent in a ticket to Blizzard support and got a response:
“Sorry, Blizzard is not responsible for loss of items due to bugs.”

Pretty sure they didn’t even read my ticket.