so i don’t know if this just so people can make money or what, but every expansion so far we need new tools to do the professions we have been doing for some time, or even if we just picked it up, But that would be like me moving to another another place and throwing out my tools because i moved lol, need profession tools we can keep through expansions, would be nice
Same reason as every expansion having its own profession points?
Did you actually want to go back and grind previous expansions every time you switch professions?
i can mine without a mining pick
It’s just just a few more upgrades per expansion, not really a big deal.
It’s just the Profession version of getting new gear, just like you do with armour and the like.
Ways to skill up and economy are two reasons. If you’re not having to replace stuff each expansion, the need for gathering tanks, which brings everything down.
Lore wise, they have fancy new materials that are better/stronger than before.
Personally I like playing the game and working toward new things.
Gnomish Army Knife? It counts as every profession tool so even if you switch professions it still works and gets rid of extra clutter for multiple professions.
Profession gear is the same as any other gear, as you level up you need higher level gear.
Real life artisans of varying skills replace and improve their tools of craft.
Makes sense imo
Professions need to go back to the way they used to be. Not everything needs to have a bunch of systems and game modes attached to it.
So you want it to be completely useless for top-end gear again.
As if we don’t have champion & hero track gear spilling out of the walls already and need more sources for only the crap tier gear.
If that’s what it takes for professions to stop being ridiculous, yes. The game already has twelve billion things to grind. Professions did not need to be added to that list.
Though, you are exaggerating. There have been plenty of instances in the past where professions were integral for gearing up.
Professions have been on the decline since WoD. Garrisons saw to that. Then Legion with the “I can’t just teach you everything, you have to quest and explore to find all your schematics and let some fat panda burn food to level cooking”. That turned into the mess we have today with a table that slowly unlocks, forces 4 different types of materials just to upgrade all the way and then use scraps to learn new stuff, but still not everything. Professions have been garbo since Legion, so now I just run Engineering and only level it through MoP where all the good stuff is.