Profession Tool Enchantment

Was wondering what would be an optimal enchantment for my blue tools as a double gather. Blue tools are max level with finesse on them already, should I have more finesse or add perception to balance it out for slightly more chance at null stones and such.

Thanks for the advice and insight to how y’all play different.

Finesse. Perception (not prospecting) is not worthless but it won’t increase your drop of null stones enough to justify the enchant

Thanks, that is what I thought as well. I also didn’t catch that autocorrect and fixed my post.

With the way prices dropped I rather make my gold on volume at this point.

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Depends on the gathering profession IMO.

Skinning: Skinning has a number of side gathers in it. Got you meats, stomachs of goodies, lump of meats, setae’s, bottled storms and last but not least the hides. I went with a perception tool enchanted with finesse on that one.

Mining: A single side gather on that one. The null stones, it starts with pieces of it, but it gets to full null stones as you fill the wheels. Perception proc can increase the null stones yield but its really not that much. Most of my miners, I went finesse tool enchanted with perception. Might change that at some point.

Herbalist: Herbalist is a mixed bag. You got side gathers like the lotuses and the seeds once you unlock them. The lotuses aren’t in pieces. Personally, once I started gathering I have yet to run out of lotuses! And their prices reflect that. The seeds on the other hand? Oh mama! I want those! The special ones especially once you unlock them! Get a nice stack of em! Call your herbalist friends and go on that patch of garden full of worms and go nuts! Went finesse tool enchanted with perception there too. Considering changing it too.

Deftness is only good for druids and EZ-mines really.

Yeah my ores are all maxed out and my herbs are almost fully maxed out besides for two. Have finessed with perception enchant on both tools.

Then tis just a matter of deciding if you like the side gathers :grinning:. The skinning I find useful to fuel the cooking. One can never have enough null stones of course. And the seeds make for VERY fast gathering of herbs in a very short while every once in a while. So a combination of finesse and perception is my take. But if you need volumes of raw mats, full finesse is indeed the way to go like Teishoku counseled.

And do take a look at the truesight phials and ironclaw razorstone… Really gives a nice boosts to those 2 stats.

I did know about the phials did not know about the stone. There is also something from the Darkmoon faire as well but forgot what it is.

Dark moon firewater. Increase deftness by 15%. I usually sell those when I get them. Do a pact with the weaver, lot less hassle for a much better buff.

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