Profession quest log gone?

I can’t find the correct games tab since this is a dragon flight issue.

But it does involve with profession like what happen to the log when you get the weekly daily?? It hard to track it without having the log for profession. Hoping I get some answer as to why the “profession quest tab” isn’t there anymore in the quest log menu.

Thanks in advance for any tips offered! Also this isn’t classic idk why but again I can’t find the dragonflight tabs for this.

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So as you figured out there is not a dedicated tab for Professions quests, however, they are easy to find in your log.

Open your quest log and look for Profession, expand, and viola. That is where most of them will be. Just to throw people off, some of the profession gathering quests may be under the Valdrakken, Emerald Dream, or Zaralek Caverns headers instead of their profession name.

Ah ok thanks