Profession patron order problems

Last week on my tailor the UI patron orders did not appear on weekly reset. They appeared the next day - and then a second lot appeared the day before reset. I did not expect more orders today - and I didn’t. But on my 4 other profession toons I did not get any ui orders today. I usually organise to start work later on reset day so I can do these. Make them predictable please.

There are so many problems with this system. In my guild one person whose main game was professions has given up and quit the game. Another is about to do the same. I will persist but with reluctance.

Here are the issues that caused frustration…

  1. Bugs - ui orders not appearing at predictable times.
  2. 12 hr ui orders appearing every day. When you are in Australia and play after work by the time you logon those 12 hr orders have expired.
  3. Rare items that cost >8000gold on AH needed to fill ui orders. Very expensive items need to be supplied.
  4. Sometimes needing to loot >100 treasures to get the weekly drops from treasures.
  5. The catch-up mechanism for UI orders you could not fill not seeming to work.

Maybe some of these things are overstated, I don’t know. But when you get no communication, no acknowledgement and no commitment to rapidly make some adjustments there is no expectation that these problems won’t persist. Today i needed 6 pts in lw so I could make an item I need. Looks like that will not happen.

It’s past time for some serious rethinking.