Profession Knowledge Points Request

As someone who has both professions on their main totally capped out, these extra knowledge points I continue to acquire are pretty much useless, the extra Artisan’s Mettle isn’t appealing to me (I have thousands upon thousands of the stuff). It would be nice if I could convert my excess knowledge once capped in a profession into Dragon Shards of Knowledge (which would also be turned into bind on account items) to then send to my alts to help boost their profession knowledge.

Thank you!


And for next expansion, please actually expand on the profession trees with each season. Add more nodes that cost a new type of knowledge unique to that patch, which help with crafting new recipes for that season. Obviously that’d also require more new recipes.
Being fully capped (or very close to it) by the time S2 started and then having nothing more to progress for the next 1.5 years is a bit silly.