Profession for Druid

that why i made a bs alt just to put counter weight on the various mace i optain during my lvling

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Yes, i will go feral most of the time, maybe force to heal in raid, but feral. But i dont want to be a flag carrier

We all go in and out of resto eventually, comes with the territory. And you say you dont want to now, but once you finally perfect your first jump and get your shift game right, its hard to put down after that. You’ll never know until you try it…

Be sure to take a look at this thread no matter what spec you decide to play, the macros in it turns the classic druid into a whole new experience.
Totally Pawesome Druid Macros Tested In Beta and Ready for Classic

good so you can fc for me since i never do

So what im planning to do is, start by herb and enchanting, get enchanting to level 225 and make the trinket, and dump enchanting and pick up either engineering or alch. Hows that sounds?

Sounds good, knocking out your smoking heart early on is the big brain play. Its really good and very nice to have a guaranteed slot for all/any resist sets you’ll build.
Just remember that you’ll have to go deep into BRD to make it. So you’ll need to keep enchanting until your later levels.

Engineering is doable in feral. It can be cumbersome at times to maximize its potential, but certainly not impossible.

In the end, just pick what ever interests you the most. you can always drop whatever and pick something else up if you change your mind.

Still think blacksmithing is bis for feral /shrug

But why NOT have LW to make it, along with any leveling gear? Unless you’re going to be a piece of crap and buy boosts, thus helping the bot economy.

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i know, i also want the blacksmith item badly, but i do not want to carry a profession that i will hardly use in the game

I leveled with Skinning and Leatherworking (Tribal) when the game launched. After banking a ridiculous amount of rugged leather, I swapped to Enchanting mainly to get the smoking heart trinket and have retained the profession ever since.

Engineering isn’t worth hardly anything as Feral, but can be somewhat effective as Balance for extra damage and maybe Resto just for the extra stun in PVP.

I have an Herbalist / Alchemist alt character which feeds elixirs to my Druid. My only profession regret is I wish I had a max level toon with Mining because arcane crystals sell for so much gold it’s ridiculous.

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If you intend to pump on any kind of feral you’ll use it all the time. You have to be a blacksmith to apply counterweights (such pummelers!). It grows old having to get someone else to do it for you at your convenience. But still, it can be done.
I felt the same way about mine until I got the elementium sharpening stones pattern. After that is was gg as far as gold making with it was. And no, it dont feel that good not being able to use all the cool gear you’ll get to make later on.

@Boeuff, you might want to give the wolfshead/furor builds another try sometime. It can be some of the most fun/engaging tanking in 5mans you ever had. And its a must if you are trying to pump any type of cat dps.
I dont get where you are coming from as far as pvp is concerned. You’re always shifting in and out of form, why not have resources at the ready when you need it the most? (edit- for feral that is)

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it is a trinket, has a 30 min cooldown so it’s not something you’ll use a lot.

10 minute cooldown. flag runners use it all the time

I also forgot to mention, it has niche use in bear form for the on use +armor and increased resistances.

ah, thanks. for some reason thought it was 30.

thank you. I will surely consider it, but i dont know if its worth to learn a profession just for that trinket, though its a very good one

I only recommend blacksmithing for the convenience of being able to counterweight your own pummelers. And as I stated before, thats only if you intend to get sweaty and try to get the most out of feral. Depending on how far you wish to take it, it really isn’t necessary.

Look at the trinket as a side perk of it imo.

the thing is for me, if i want to get the trinket, i will have to spend gold on both enchanting till 265 and blacksmith. I do not know if blacksmith can give me anything else than that trinket.

Insert “GOTEEM!” gif here, why do I even bother with discussions on this board…smgdh

:cry: well, who knows

cheap cost help someone buy buying from someone get to know is tribal lw so you can ad them for later use

Honestly dont bother with the enchanting trinket amd run mark of tyrany + mark of the chosen instead.
Mark of the chosen is criminally underrated and I still use it. Amazing trinket on bear

Level cap professions are nice and all but seriously, level as dual gathering. Store mats and either sell or use them to get your cap profession leveled.
You actually make a lot of money even on some low level materials.