Profession feedback


I could craft some profession equipment but could not equip any of it - it gave an error message that the items could not be equipped.

The inscription profession equipment all required cooking to be used.

Multiple alchemy transmutation recipes had different names in the recipe list to what they showed in the recipe details frame.

You cannot currently craft the basic TWW ink, even though it shows that I have all the required pigments, the craft button is greyed out with a tooltip saying that reagents are missing - but it doesn’t tell me what is missing. You cannot progress without crafting ink as you need it both to level up and to make other items.

Multiple items have the requirements of an scribe’s bench to craft but there doesn’t appear to be one near the profession NPCs.

Build 2024-05-02T14:00:00Z

Alchemy - it is now consuming concentration when selected when crafting.


  • Can now make ink - it identifies that the Virtuoso Inking Set was missing (profession tool purchased form vendor)
  • Crafted Profession tools still require cooking to be equipped according to the tooltip.
  • The icon and tooltip for Hasty Alchemist’s Mixing Rod appears to be for a missive of haste/versa.
  • Itemisation for crafted weapons doesn’t seem to have been reviewed yet - ilevel low 300s not appropriate for expected character progression.
  • Crafting from Warband bank is working - though depositing reagents automatically also grabs items such as profession tools from your bags (eg Ink Set)