Because of the changes made to Professions in Dragonflight, we need a catch-up Mechanic for the perks. It seems both unduly harsh and over the top that a player that decides to invest in their profession is essentially locked into it ‘forever’.
I’ll use my Alchemist for an Example. Right now they have mastered everything for Alchemy except for the Potion Mastery stuff. Yet if I want to level another class, or start a new Alchemist now; I am looking at 120+ Talent Points that I cannot grind out, and I cannot ‘buy’ from the Vulpera NPC.
This effectively ‘locks’ me into playing a specific class as the effort to create a new one is absurd. Adding insult to injury, these extra points are also time-gated meaning I would need to spend upward to 9 weeks before catching up.
Not even gearing a player has this type of insane turn-around. Please address this and force the game to remember player’s talent choices when they drop a profession for one. Asking a player to start over from scratch in the Dragonflight Profession bracket is flat out unconscionable and predatory game-design.
Also for a second request please remove the cap on how many of the skill up items we can find each week. If I want to Grind Herbs until I catch up, that is my prerogative and Blizzard gating it to 7-8 a week is flat wrong.
Finally, we need a means to trade Flightstones for Draconic Stones, and Barter Bricks need to be account bound as well as easier to find. I have only found 4-5 in all the time I’ve played this month out in the game world. Having them only gained from Weekly Quests is not cutting it.
You guys really need to up your game.