A while back, there was bonuses to character stats based on the profession you were using. For example, mining gave a stamina bonus. Is this still a thing in retail? If so, what bonuses exist? Took a long break from WoW and everything I’ve read about it online is super old. Just planning my character creations. Yes, I know there are other reasons to choose professions, but I’m asking about the mechanics of how professions affect character stats, whether it be by spell, enchanted equipment, automatic, etc.
Stat bonuses no longer exist with things like stamina for mining, but there are bonuses such as alchemists receiving double the duration on flasks vs. non-alchemists. I’m not a profession expert though, so I can’t say what all the current bonuses are.
Here’s context of why I’m asking. This is the path after the base website at Icy Veins that is the article that led me to think they may still exist: /forums/topic/130-profession-bonuses-a-quick-overview/
That icy-veins thread is 12 years old. Nothing in it applies any longer.
None of the current bonuses affect game play. There are little convenience perks, and things like the alchemy trinket still exist, but the gathering professions aren’t going to give you bonus stats like they used to. That was removed a few expansions ago. You can see the current state of professions here:
My understanding from reading your replies is that there is no character stat bonuses from professions anymore (self-enchants, spells, etc.). Although it doesn’t affect your gameplay in, say, a dungeon, I do understand that there are profession bonuses from certain races (like gnome engineering) though so I’ll take that into consideration instead. Thanks everyone for the replies.
The only use I ever found for a +5 profession skill bonus was back in the day when an engineer could equip amechanical dragonling trinket at level 30.
The trinket required an engineering skill level of 230 to make but you couldn’t train above 225 until you were level 35.
The +5 to engineering skill allowed a level 30 gnome to bring their skill level up 230 to make their own trinket 5 levels levels early.
That was pretty much it and now that doesn’t apply, I have toons in their 20’s who have 300/300 Engineering.
Stuff like the +5 to herbalisim for Tauren doesn’t really impact leveling very much and it’s useless in an expansion after an expansion cap is reached.
If you are not high enough to harvest a herb or mine node, you get pieces plus a skill up point. 10 pieces make one herb or one ore.
Extra abilities that are somewhat helpful for gathering are the Worgen fast skinning and Druids who can herb while staying in travel form.
As previously mentioned, professions no longer provide any stat bonus. I wasn’t around when they removed it (I think it was WoD), but I believe someone said the premise was to not make them mandatory and turn it into another element people had to min/max. Most of the perks now are quality of life things (enchanting gives you wrist enchants that revolve around your Hearthstone, alchemy increases duration, etc).