Proc's not flashing anymore

Have you noticed any talent/abilities that don’t flash like they used to?

For MM Hunter’s Precise Shots doesn’t light up Arcane Shot or Multishot when the Aura is active, there’s a small number that appears only as if it had charges.

Can we get the Flash back?


Yes, I noticed and it’s very annoying. Now it just shows a little 1 or 2 as if those skills have charges to be used, rather than that they have proc’d. Guess we’ll just have to remember to press them twice after every single Aimed shot, which is never when you want to press Arcane or Multi-shot, fyi. It’s such a counter intuitive buff and I honestly believe they need to cut Precise Shots and just give those two skills more damage baseline.

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Yea I noticed this as well. I also noticed my pally has started getting on-screen visual proc images from other classes, lmao. What a shemozle this patch is.

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They even removed the blinking on your bars when you mouse over an ability in Spellbook.

Took me 5 minutes longer than usual to redo my bars because of that.


I know I had another class with the same issue I think is Mistweaver Monk,

When I reach 4 stack of Teaching of The Monastery (Blackout Kick) It used to Flash when you hit 4 stacks.

I haven’t tried Ret or Fury warrior, I know these also had many flashing abilities.

I noticed.
Besides the hunter abilites you mentioned, the execute button on my fury warrior doesnt flash anymore either.

That’s the 2 classes I noticed

Wish they returned flashing back…

Maybe its ElvUI.

But mine still do.

I don’t use any flashing addons or UI other than DBM/Details and some alt stuff. Nothing.