Ok here is my conundrum. I have an older computer that my son uses. I was cleaning it today and while I had the processor apart my dog knocked down some of the components and I didn’t realize it at the time, but he ben some of the pins on the processor.
Don’t laugh. It’s an AMD FX 8 core 8350. I tried to delicately bend them back, but a few broke off so not it’s junk. Anyway, I have saved from another computer; yes I’m a computer part hoarder, an AMD FX 6 core 6300 processor. I realize this is a down grade.
Can I use the six core in place of the eight core? I don’t want to spend money for new components on this old computer, but I want to have something for him to use until he gets older. The pins look similar.
Will it work? I searched online and I’m not sure. Let me know if you need more info.
Thanks in advance