Processor question

Ok here is my conundrum. I have an older computer that my son uses. I was cleaning it today and while I had the processor apart my dog knocked down some of the components and I didn’t realize it at the time, but he ben some of the pins on the processor.

Don’t laugh. It’s an AMD FX 8 core 8350. I tried to delicately bend them back, but a few broke off so not it’s junk. Anyway, I have saved from another computer; yes I’m a computer part hoarder, an AMD FX 6 core 6300 processor. I realize this is a down grade.

Can I use the six core in place of the eight core? I don’t want to spend money for new components on this old computer, but I want to have something for him to use until he gets older. The pins look similar.

Will it work? I searched online and I’m not sure. Let me know if you need more info.

Thanks in advance

It should assuming the 6300 is functional.


Thank you so much for your reply. I wasn’t sure how it would go, but it worked fine. He doesn’t notice a difference in the way the computer works so that makes me happy and keeps him happy.

Thank you again!

Reported for child abuse.


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You remove your CPU from the motherboard when you clean your computer? That is a bit “odd”, to say the least. Do you also remove the engine from your car when you clean your windshield?

WoW rarely uses more than 4 cores, so downgrading from 8 cores to 6 cores would not be a big deal. The bigger issue is that both the 8350 and the 6300 are 10 years old and very slow. Their 1-4 core performance is somewhere between that of a Core2Quad and a first-generation i3/i5/i7.