Problems with Warlocks

I’m creating a campaign set within the Kingdom of Stormwind, Alliance, using 5e rules. For the most part, I’m not changing much when it comes to class mechanics or races. However, warlocks are vexing me. Who do they use as patron saints? It strikes me as impossible for warlocks to be accepted within any society on Azeroth, as they embrace fel magic. As far as I know lore-wise, all demons are set on universal domination and are enemies to pretty much all major factions on Azeroth.

Any thoughts?

You can just pick from the selection of already existing Legion NPCs or make up your own. Raid/dungeon bosses, and some good ideas from Fel NPCs out in the world.

Not really sure what exactly you’re asking though. Your statements here are correct. They don’t need a patron like a traditional D&D warlock does because the Fel is Accessible™ like that, though it could certainly be a demon or somesuch that corrupts and helps train the warlock. It’s just as possible that they found a tome or something, though.

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As mentioned in the post above mine, Warcraft Warlocks don’t typically get their abilities from a higher power. If you’re looking to adapt D&D concepts you could look at the different archetypes for the class, as exemplified in specs, as akin to those conveyed through D&D subclasses. I personally wouldn’t copy/paste all of one into the other, but I digress.

This is arguably somewhat nuanced. I imagine some societies, like early Blood Elves (due to their own societal use of fel magic for sustenance) and perhaps Gnomes and Goblins (due to their commonly secular and pragmatic nature), would be more amicable towards Warlocks due to their situation or beliefs. Obviously, peoples more directly affected by demons and/or the Burning Legion are less likely to openly accept a known Warlock, though even then I’d think the Warlock’s purpose might also be a factor. Like with just about any class, they have different reasons for pursuing that path.

In many cases, one might explore the racial capitals to get an idea of how the people might see Warlocks. Some have trainers in obscure places, but others are more open.

To an extent this might have been true once upon a time. It is certainly no longer the case now. We have several examples of demons of differing dispositions, mostly Man’ari Eredar and those of the Illidari. The Majority of demons are still rather chaotic beings, however, and those in the Legion, especially those high ranking, are very likely to behave in that classic evil way.

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If you think back to Classic, remembe mages got a gaudy tower, whereas the warlocks lept themselves hidden in the basement of a seedy bar.

So in a more realistic setting, as long as they don’t wear signs around their necks, or do someting as stupid as parade their demons on the streets in broad daylight, warlocks can easily keep themselves hidden in plain sight.

Maybe they don’t HAVE patron saints, maybe they make their bargains with pact powers just as described in the 5E book.

Think outside of the MMO box.