Problems with extra % (over 100%) for extra stuff

Sorry if this has been posted before
I scanned a little but am in a hurry.

The companion app randomly “disappears” my second icon for over 100% bonus about 25% of the time. Also my regular percent changes periodically (like it will be 200% when I open it but then it will suddenly switch to 145%). Also the order is driving me nuts too (I see others have posted about that) - before it was alphabetical can’t we go back to that??

From what I can tell, it’s just a display issue. I’ve made my own tool to mine the rep changes before and after and it seems consistent. I could be just lucky, though.

I’m not getting the extra rep on about a quarter of the bfa missions I do on the companion app. I wish I could post screen shots, but sometimes I’ll have 200% and the “extra” icon just vanishes. It happens with lower % too (say, 185%) where I have no clue if I got the extra rep or not. Then there’s the times I have a higher % (say 185% again) where I’ll be looking at it to see how it goes, it suddenly drops to 120% or even 100%. So far it hasn’t dropped below 100%.

ETA I see now this is a known bug. Thanks for looking into this!


Yeah, I’m specifically telling you I made a program through the WoW API to scrape before/after mission completion and even though visually you’re not getting it, you are getting the bonus rep if it exists.

These are a sample of the results across ~10 characters.

Champions of Azeroth changed by 950.
Talanji’s Expedition changed by 400.
Voldunai changed by 850.
Talanji’s Expedition changed by 950.
The Honorbound changed by 350.
Talanji’s Expedition changed by 250.
Voldunai changed by 650.
Talanji’s Expedition changed by 850.
The Honorbound changed by 450.
The Honorbound changed by 450.
Talanji’s Expedition changed by 450.
The Honorbound changed by 400.
Talanji’s Expedition changed by 400.
Voldunai changed by 600.
The Honorbound changed by 500.
Champions of Azeroth changed by 900.
Voldunai changed by 450.
Talanji’s Expedition changed by 850.
Champions of Azeroth changed by 1200.
Champions of Azeroth changed by 1150.
The Honorbound changed by 150.
Zandalari Empire changed by 350.
Voldunai changed by 350.

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I hope this gets fixed soon. I’m still having issues with it, even after updating to the newest version.