Problems Possibly Due to Phasing

This game is starting to feel like it’s one frustrating annoyance after another.

  1. I’ve started to enjoy pet battling, and I acquired my first Iron Starlette pet on this toon. However, in light of the fact that pet dungeons don’t allow us to heal our pets, I’ve decided to get another, so I leveled up my Horde toon, a Blood Elf Priest named Malingerer, to get a second one. However, the Dark Portal quest was available, so I decided to go to Draenor, make a garrison, then return to get the Starlette. However, despite the fact that my garrison is now level two, all I’m seeing is Thrall standing by the Dark Portal, which (again) I’ve already done.

I have to say that these phasing issues are ridiculous. Yes, I know I could just go to the Auction House and buy my next Iron Starlette (God forbid I should acquire in-game items by, you know, playing the game).

  1. I’m also stuck in Pandaria now, because I was trying to continue getting my farm, but for some reason, despite doing the dailies, my farm does not continue to unlock the various plots that Wowhead says that they’re supposed to unleash, but I think the farm is rather buggy, at the moment. I’m seeing NPCs on top of each other at the actual farm, And NPCs that are both at the farm and in the adjoining marketplace at the same time.

I was trying to unlock the world tamers on Pandaria, but somehow, that didn’t get unlocked for me until I grabbed a quest from Magni Bronzebeard. This is ridiculous. What does Magni Bronzebeard have to do with unlocking Pet Tamers in Pandaria.

So, what needs to happen before I can start the questline to give me my Iron Starlette for Malingerer? What do I have to do to get Thrall to give me the quests?

How can I get my buggy farm in Pandaria to progress? I’ve had the first four plots unlocked. But according to Wowhead, I’m supposed to get a quest from Fish Fellreed, and she will unlock the next plots for me. But I haven’t seen her.

And don’t tell me I have to go to Northrend and dance the Charleston with the Lich King, either. I don’t see why quests in one expansion stop me from progressing on questlines in previous expansions.

Phasing is a curse. If you don’t have a mental map of where the phases are and why they exist, it is entirely confounding.

With any zone-wide phasing, THERE WILL BE A ZIDORMI nearby. Zidormi is a Timewalker, a Bronze Dragon, whom you can ask to shift you between phases.

In the case of the Blasted Lands, Zidormi is standing on the road into Swamp of Sorrows. You will see a speech bubble on your map.

If you have a Garrison,you have, or should have, a Garrison Hearthstone. Open your Collections by pressing the botton on the bottom of your screem. on the right, or type Shift-P. Then choose Toy Box and look for Garrison Hearthstone, That will always take you straight to your Garrison.

If you don’t have a Garrison Hearthstone, go to your Garrison by taking the portal from the portal room in Stormwind to Stormshield, Ashran, and fly or get a taxi to your garrison. Then ask your Innkeper for a Hearthstone, and learn it as a Toy.

So get Malingerer to talk to Zidormi. Then the quests should be available in the other phase. If not, it might be that you have to get the breadcrumb quest from the Hero’s Call Board in Stormwind … but AFAIR, Chromie should have done that already.


I have never heard of bugginess with The Farm,

Is this the quest you are on?

Okay, I’ll try that. Then I’ll check the callboard in a Horde city, since Malingerer is a Blood Elf. (And Horde Garrisons are ugly.)

I think that’s the one. I’ve had one person take out the weeds, and Wowhead Fish Fellreed is next.

As for the bugginess, I don’t know what it’s supposed to look like, but I see Gina Mudclaw on Presto’s farm, then at the Marketplace at the same time. NPCs on top of each other, seems like they all hang out at the farm.

ETA: I was looking at the wrong Thrall. The Thrall I was looking at was standing beside Khadgar, looking at the Portal.

But there is a second Thrall in Blasted Lands, and he’s standing near the Horde flight master. I’m looking at him right now. Location 71:82, 47.74. He’s the one giving me the quests. Yes, there’s two Thralls in Blasted Lands right now.

Poor Thrall. Obviously, all these conflicts has him horribly upset. I mean, in Blasted Lands, he’s absolutely beside himself!

2nd Edit: Success! I have a new Iron Starlette. And it’s a P/P, so I have an H/P and a P/P. Which would be my first two choices.

I think I will name her, O’Hara. You know, Starlette O’Hara.

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Why did I never think of that? :stuck_out_tongue:

For the farm, you need to hit certain Tillers rep threshholds for the next unlock quests to show up. (And I seem to remember from the last time I did it that the available info on what those reps were was not reliable.) They aren’t specific rep levels, but at certain progress within a rep level, so it can feel a bit weird. When it was current content, you would be doing the dailies regardless, so it was a way to make the story unfold in a bit more organic feeling way over time, but it’s awkward now.

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