Problems and Solutions to recent Hpal changes

Hello, This will be a post to discuss the problems caused by the recent PTR changes to holy paladin gear, runes, and librams.

I want to open by saying that a nerf to shockadin was 100% justified given it’s power level before these changes.

HOWEVER, the magnitude and direction of these nerfs needs to be re-evaluated for the following reasons.

Firstly, the way the nerf has been implemented hurts traditional PVE hpals more than anyone else. This doesn’t make sense given shockadins were the target. Rather than nerfing the sets players would use for PVE healing, why not nerf the ZG set bonus? It’s 50% extra damage on shock for crying out loud! Getting a shock reset is basically the only source of dopamine that existed for hpals, without it they lead a boring life of cancel casting the tank repeatedly or spamming flash of light (funny how THIS type of 1 button spam is perfectly acceptable.) Not only that, but not being able to reset holy shock is a significant mobility nerf for hpals. Being able to use divine favor or get a holy shock crit heal for an extra 1.5s of movement as a healer is a big deal!

How is this ridiculously powerful niche 10man set bonus more important to keep intact than the already established holy rune and the best healing gear next phase?

Secondly, this nerf is a bit heavy handed. Nerf the damage, or nerf the procs, don’t nerf BOTH and essentially gut the build in pve while also making all the normal hpals feel bad. Infusion nerf is the worst part of this, but the judgement 2set being reduced to 25% of its original value is also a big hit. Not only can we not reset holy shock anymore, we also are now 15% less likely to even trigger the 3sec CD reduction. And on top of all that, librams nerfed as well? What is going on here? the infusion nerf already basically killed any real usefulness the holy wrath libram had, and it’s now nerfed in multiple ways. it’s 15 seconds MIN to get it stacked (IF you go 5/5 on crits) and if you decide that you need to actually use shock as a heal it won’t even count. This libram is borderline useless at this point especially considering most aoe packs will be dead before we even have it stacked.

Thirdly, a shockadin does not truly ever reach 100% crit with a functional build. In order to do this, they must use the wrath rune and lose a SIGNIFICANT amount of group and single target healing, to play a dps build that no one is ever going to actually bring to a raid because it isn’t good at either damage OR healing. even before these nerfs it was simming like 2000dps less than ret even with the full support of every melee group buff which is totally unrealistic and inflates it’s numbers.

Fourthly, this infusion nerf will make shockadin essentially unplayable until the ZG and t2 are both collected once it goes live. Every person who’s playing shockadin RIGHT NOW will be a complete loser in pvp with zero stopping power. I love that you guys are making sets to support niche builds, but this change makes all the gear mandatory, and destroys the ability we have now to pvp as shockadin.


  1. Change the ZG set bonus to 30% and make it a stacking bonus of 6% per shock crit. Revert infusion to it’s previous state, and give t2 2pc 10% crit instead of 5. This would effectively remove the problematic issue of insane pvp burst since it will take time to stack the damage increase and require tactical play to use.

  2. Change infusion to allow an instant cast flash of light after a holy shock crit (alongside the 3sec shock CD.) and leave everything else as is. This solves the problem of hpals catching strays for no reason over the zg bonus, while also giving the pve shockadin something to cast when shock doesn’t crit, and leaving the pvp burst in it’s current nerfed state.

  3. Remove Holy shock from the list of spells that benefit from the wrath rune, nerf the ZG set and restore infusion and t2 to it’s previous state. Wrath rune is the only way to reach 100% crit and create the “1 button spam” boogeyman that people keep bringing up. It can only be done with full world buffs and suboptimal runes assigned for its intended role. On real servers where you cannot buy a world buff scroll and just have them permanently this is a non-issue for pvp but many people are up in arms because they got pounded by fully world buffed players on ptr while they wore glass cannon pve gear and no trinket.

  4. Add some sort of healing or utility function to replace the loss of shock resets. Some example could be a bonus to sacred shield on one of the sets, a set bonus or adjustment to hallowed ground that makes consecrate cleanse your entire party on the initial cast.

  5. If you are intent on leaving everything as is, consider allowing shockadin to cast hammer of wrath with no HP restriction. This will give a meaningful spell power scaling CASTED attack that can fill the gap when holy shock doesnt crit, and it’s already coded to work with beacon healing, without changing much in pvp because using it limits our mobility. I would consider reducing it’s mana cost as well.

Looking forward to hearing from others what can be done to make shockadin functional without being too overpowered and also without direct nerfs to normal holy players.


im a simple man and I instantly support any changes that buffs cleanse. Our single most important utility that both didnt get a rune nor a raid pve update to force all paladins to concentrate on this single most important use of GCD.

AOE cleanse sounds very paladin-like. I also like the idea of giving hpals the wrath talent that adds 30% magic resist, making them important anti-magic healers from a defensive position. Any defensive buff is a very vanilla paladin change I support.


Inb4 shaman mains come in here and somehow flip this into them being the real victim here.

In reality though, yeah hpal really got hit the hardest by this change. Nerfing the crazy shockadin gear bonuses was always the solution. Nerfing the rune was absolutely the worst way this could have gone.


Great write-up

Option 1 out of the potential solutions list is probably my favorite of them all.


yea 1 and 4 work for me. I’d take it a step further and add more effects to paladin cleanse considering cleanse has to fight with spells/abilities/runes with multiple effects or compete with the paladin runes making it not attractive to cast in any setting.

another thought. I know one of the devs mentioned loving TBC shockadin but I think for SoD they are concentrating on only one part of shockadin that made that spec fun in tbc. They missed out on the other part, which was the extra mitigation, extra sustain, and being able to have both high healing power and high spellpower. For example that spec didnt only get to enjoy a 15s cd with high burst dmg, imp SoR scales with your SP so your JoR dmg was also more chunky and you could have reduce cast time on holy lights that also helped you to fight back against purges )stoicism added purge resist). It also had ALOT of pvp oriented mitigation, blessed life worked on all dmg sources (50% mit but 10% proc rate), we had 15% resist on curses (which was really 5% if locks took their full curse hit talent, but you could gem+flask for 180 SR which gave you like 20-30% resist on all shadow dmg so adding another 5% on curses was pretty nice in BG). You also have 10% stun resist on stoicsm and because you could stack resist better in TBC unyielding fate helped also against priest/lock fears. We also had a baked in cleanse reduced cost in our talents, that also reduced cost of con. And our int to sp talent didnt need a condition to unlock, so you could always rely on it. IMP RF also gave you a flat 6% dmg mit, and your plate armor+shield already had a 50-60% phys dmg mit, making you annoying to kill against melee specs.

So with that said, adding more of the following is good too:

  • more RNG resist mechanics making fighting a shockadin in pvp is less consistent leading to more mistakes from your enemy.
  • stun resist. THis one would be huge to get instead of dmg.
  • way to cheapen your spells that you tactically activate
  • more JoR dmg potential.
  • awe rune also adds healing with the SP. Only fair considering its supposed to be a support pvp healer :P.
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what they can do based on my last comment is change the ZG set across the board (just accept shockadin is for pvp only and stop placating pve raiders plus ret has both slow weapon and fast weapon metas so there is no need to pretend holy needs a dps side for pve). Since we already have 40-60% crit anyway, adding more crit is useless for us in pvp.

  • Keep the current int/sp values. The 3% hit stats on chest are good but remove the hit off belt (we will making this set for pvp only so no need for extra hit for pve raiding).
  • neck special bonus adds 10% dispel resistance to your blessings/judgements (but not seals/magic buffs so rets can’t use it and cant get wings). Keep sp/int/stam stats as is. No crit.
  • trinket gets passive 15% curse/disease/silence/interrupt resistance added to concentration aura and when you activate it you get 10-15s of cheaper cleanses.
  • 2pc becomes just boring spellpower
  • 4pc becomes awe unlocks healing power 100% of your int.
  • 5pc becomes 10% stun resistance and with AWE inscribed you unlock AOE cleansing (or gives you flat 10-15% magic resist for your party for 10s after you cleanse).

I would like to humbly point out that not a single horde has come here to troll my post, which can only mean they all agree!

or the shamen are too busy enjoying their flat 15% speed increase that is worth 4 talent points lol.

Seconding the plea to revert all of these ridiculously heavy handed nerfs targeted at reducing shockadin PvP burst potential. Find another way that doesn’t gut HPal PvE (you know, the game mode the vast majority of the player base engages in on a regular basis).