Problem with the Quest [Daily Chores] for the Achievement [For The Children]

Bliizzard used to be the best customer service, I don’t know why their answer is so vague. I was doing daily missions with my orphan by my side to complete the mission [Daily Tasks] for the achievement [For The Children] but they did not count the missions completed at any time, I tried everything even on different continents and planets but nothing worked. I can’t try any suggested solution anymore because the event has already passed, but I did about 30 missions in different places and it didn’t even count one daily mission for the “Daily Tasks” Achievement, even having one or the other orphan while completing the mission. I need you to tell me why that quest didn’t work for me and why I didn’t complete the Daily Tasks achievement, it should be complete after completing so many missions with my orphans by my side.

The only character content which works for the achievement is daily quests. These are repeatable quests with a blue exclamation point on the quest giver, and which are renewed every day. (Hence the name). An example is the battle pet quests in Pandaria. They’re mostly in older content, which befits an achievement which was added to the game when daily quests were literally the only repeatable world content in the game.

The requirement that’s overlooked is that the orphan has to be summoned and at your side when you turn the quest in. Many of these quests dismiss your orphan while you’re doing them, but you absolutely must have the orphan at your side when you turn it.

Other types of content which do not apply for this achievement:

  • World Quests. Added in Legion, quest icon on the world map. Absolutely doesn’t work for this achievement, by design.
  • Weekly Quests: Blue or yellow quest exclamation point but only weekly renewal.
  • Raid quests: Special case of weekly quests
  • Normal quests, whether campaign or side quests.

Only true daily quests count, and only if the orphan is summoned when turning in.

Yes Sniperorc, I was completing the daily blue ones located in The Forbidden Reach that have people from every Rep in Dragonflight. Neither of those ones worked for me.

I suspect those should have worked, as WowHead classes those as daily quests. (Although something makes me think they’re not literally daily; I could be misremembering but it seems to me that they don’t refresh every day.)

The only thing I found to work reliably was old content DQs, like in Pandaria as I mentioned.

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