Problem with Chromie time or maybe not?

So I got to level 50 yesterday on my first retail character and I’m wondering if I have misunderstood something or this is working as intended.

So at it is my first retail character I had to level in BFA and now that I’m level 50 I’m trying to figure out how to queue for dungeons from other xpacs. I looked into it a bit and apparently when you hit 50 you are supposed to get teleported back to SW other something but that never happened (I hit level 50 while doing the headless horseman halloween dungeon).

I made a Druid today and I was able to talk to Chromie and choose which xpac to level in.

So I guess my question is is this a permanent choice? Once I get to level 50 will my Druid only be able to queue for WOD dungeons (the xpac I chose)?

I would like to keep playing my Death Knight but I’d like to be able to queue for some of the dungeons I from BC and LK and not just BFA, is that possible?

This is what Chromie says when I talk to her on my Death Knight
“The situation in Icecrown needs you. Without your help, Azeroth’s future is doomed!”

Good news at 50 all those dungeons are soloble just gota fly to them and enter them manualy.

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If you want to queue for dungeons from other expansions, you’ll need to choose the appropriate expansion for the dungeon using Chromie Time.

Alternately, depending on level, if you are not Timewalking with Chromie, you will be able to queue for some dungeons dependent on your current level.

Getting locked into a particular expansion shouldn’t be happening as far as I know, Nephi. I know we have a few related issues that are being looked into but I would definitely report that as a bug in the Bug Report forum specifically.

Additionally, the teleport at level 50 only happens if you’re traveling in Chromie Time. :slight_smile:

Welcome to WoW. This is somewhat of a confusing time for all of us, so you’re not alone.

That appears to be the issue. At level 50 you appear to be locked into whatever expansion you were doing in the Timewalking Campaign with Chromie. Prior to level 50 you can switch expansions and therefore switch what you can queue for in the group finder.


Okay, thank you for your help, you too Elkhorn. I will report it, Vrakthris.