Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

Well Warriors are fine they’re not over populated. Neither are Druids.

There’s a case to bump rogue and shammy but I think it’s too late in the game personally.

Also, Rogue (and Druid) population just seems impervious to power bumps. Even when Rogues were in an awesome spot in the previous phases they were still low pop.

Raids just never seem to view Rogues or Druids as stackable - no matter how relatively strong (or weak) they are. Teams seem to always take one or two.

Elephant in the room - so what about Pally population? Yep they’re over populated. But it doesn’t follow that Ret is the culprit. Tanking would be an obvious initial focus point.

Yeah, averaging the zone, and not focusing on just the easy fights that ret gets 100% uptime on the boss because it doesn’t have to ever move helps a bit when looking at class balance.

There are fights mages leave rets in the dust on, but oh no! Ret can win on the stand still fight where mages have to move, change targets, etc.

There’s a lot more that goes into balancing PvE DPS than patchwerk fights.

I’d argue the exact opposite. If you focus on class representation first, that generally means that classes like paladin/druid end up woefully underpowered because you are adding up the populations of 3 different roles and expecting that to match a single role class.

Having an equal number of fire (or whatever the best spec is that everyone goes to at the time) mages to the combined total of feral/balance/resto druid is really awful for the druids.

I have not seen a true HC guild that wasn’t filled with racists and general trash.

Yeah, it’s really, really tough to find a good guild that has strong players, is around my skill level (i.e. can kill everything without much issues), has a casual raiding schedule, doesn’t run splits and expect alts…

So, I just raided with people that were far less good on average, but enjoyed myself and didn’t feel like the game was a thinly veiled job to gather loot in the most efficient way possible.

So remove what increased their effectiveness, return them to not being taken, and repeat the process?

Sure why not that sounds very logical and thought out. /s

With one final single boss phase. There are no major balances or changes coming, and there really shouldn’t be. Cata is the focus, not wrath, moving forward.

This is just blatantly false.

But fury begging for buffs? C’mon now.

looking at where ferals and rets now sit 14 weeks in, its very apparent neither needed ANY buffs. Its classic. Why do those 2 specs get such special treatment? Or as Zirene put it “exceptional” treatment. Lol. So many other specs or entire classes are worse than ret/feral pre-buff state and got nada. Oh yeah, the senior game producer plays ret, lol. Figures.

update: ret and feral and still ahead of warrior on multiple fights, sometimes with ret and feral as the top 2 spots lmao

What? You’re still complaining?


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Game is over.

Warriors are doing well.



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