Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

And absurdly buffed ret paladin is also doing way too much damage.

i mean, didn’t Ion say that balancing numbers would be boring(gameplay wise) a few years ago during a Q&A. should’ve been the biggest clue of what they think of proper balance.

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Maybe now Abralan can STHU lol

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He already did.

The purpose of trying to get ret adjusted was to lower their priority on shadowmourne priority for his own benefit.

Now that raids are almost finished with 2 shadowmournes it doesn’t matter to him.


But scaling is a myth guys! People said warrior was going to be top, so we had to wait and now they are…

Exactly where they were predicted… because scaling isn’t instantaneous.

Best he can do is best to try to obfuscate how wrong he was through talk about parallel lines again.

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nerf the rets too!

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remember when ret outsimmed fury on an undead single target no movement patchwerk fight and i tried to tell him that using a patchwerk sim for class balance was for a complete clown? good times

great to see the people who argued with me in the thread doing so well

woopee - in the dumpster crying about rogue buffs, can’t kill hlk with a 5% buff and full icc gear lmao
abralan - blue parsing with his shadowmourne
riger - in the dumpster green parsing

top job guys :rofl: :+1:

Reading back on all the roasting blizzard got for not buffing warriors and buffing rets was this big mistake only for ret to land #4 with the buffs +shadowmourne + incredibly powerful taj and the original unbuffed warrior to land on #1 precisely where blizzard said they would is some great reading. Remember when warriors thought they knew better and were asking for titan’s grip removal? they’d be 3k dps ahead of 2nd place right now

To be fair, this kind of thing speaks more about a guild’s ability than a player’s.

I’ve always opted to play in guilds that are significantly under what I can do skill wise. It wouldn’t be that hard for me to get into a top performing guild, I just don’t like that environment.

This was one of the most insane ideas people have come up with.

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Ret is right up there with fire, feral, and fury. The buff should be tuned. It was not intended that ret compete with the highest output specs in PvE and their powerful utility must be considered (Blizz’s words).

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This statement was in context of phase 2.

There is no reason a class that excels in destroying undead enemies, with a legendary weapon equipped should not be where it is now.

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Except it makes specific reference to adjustments down the line. Something specifically stated to not be a goal has come to pass.

The reason is that this is a rerelease of an old game and ret was not that powerful originally. It’s only competing with the top specs because it got an inauthentic buff. Already seeing a lot of 3 ret raids. World of paladincraft.

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Wrath is over but ya’ll still crying about getting buffs for that last dragon raid.

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I only see paladins defending these inauthentic buffs, hmm!

It happens when only a handful of specs get buffed in a rereleased game, then those specs are the strongest ones in the game. lol and how much did ret cry for these buffs in the first place?

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Addendum (No one noteworthy)

Irrelevant imo.

I didn’t cry for buffs, and while I did see crying (oh the crying) I also saw a lot of well reasoned arguments and factual data.

Either way game is over, very very very small almost invisible chance anything gets changed prior to Cata changing everything anyway.

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Ret cried for buffs and got them and now they pretend not to understand why players of other specs would also cry for buffs. So cringe.

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fun fact: woopee is trying to get an inauthentic rogue buff, while complaining about paladin’s inauthentic buff, if this doesn’t show you its a tribalism / self interest thing i don’t know what will. He is here every day complaining about classes above him, but when ret did it, it was “so cringe”

Duh. If ret can have inauthentic buffs that put them in S tier, why can’t rogue? Again, silly rets pretending they don’t get it while sitting atop the meter due to Classic-only buffs.

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Love how this thread is like half ret paladins trying to defend their absurd buff!

I don’t even play my rogue anymore. Why would I? I’ve switched to one of the chosen few specs.

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I mean, legit do not come at me with that as I have never said or implied any of that. You are more then welcome to ignore the actual information posted as well as blizzards own internal data as to why ret recieved the buff it did, or you can keep scapegoating towards people crying being the reason, or how Aggrend suddenly decided to buff Rets after two entire expansions of being ignored outside of the seal of blood balance change.

But no, Aggrend chose mid Wrath to make that change. I cannot believe you actually believe this type of drivel.

I have constantly been in favor of buffs for any and all as classic to me is laid back fun time.

Regardless, you all aren’t likely to get anything as the game is about to fundamentally change.