Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

3% would be closer to the original Naturalist nerf, since feral also lost a glyph slot after that.

I would not be so sure that a super tanky S tier dps that also does extremely high trash dps with the best mobility in the game and great utility CDs will never be stacked.

No, No, No, feral staking is happening.
If Blizz choose a few classes to get buff, they canā€™t leave the rest to eat rock.
Thatā€™s the problem of makling changes in WLK classic.

Prove it then.

Any screenshots, any videos, any raid logs of a non-class stacking run such as a full Onyxia hunter run will do, please and thank you.

This is what is happening on PTR.
TOC is way too easy. But for H ICC, feral is too OP.

So screenshot it, take vids of it or link a log of it.

Maybe you didnā€™t know how they kill H lichking on PTR.
Just by stacking feral and ret.

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BLIZZ dev, do your job.
Roll back all the changes to WLK classic.

So prove it.

Why not check WCL by yourself. Feral and ret?

Why we need to PURE WLK classic, original WLK classis is the most balance in WOW history.
this game is for all.
Not just a game that only ret , hunter and feral can enjoy.

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Your claim, you dig out the links.

This isnā€™t hard. Back up your stories.

If you donā€™t enjoy it quit.

Why not hunter, ret and feral quit,
This is what I said, ret , feral are the most selfish classes.

Ret and feral are so bad, just ruing this game.

Theyā€™re so bad yet too good for you to get a raid spot?

Whereā€™s the proof of your claims?

Ret and feral are too BAD to other classes.
They are ruining the whole game experience of WLK.

By making ā€¦ raids marginally faster for the 1-2 of each spec thatā€™s present in a raid?

Whereā€™s your proof that feral stacking is happening? Or, as you seem to say right now, ret for that matter?

Troll play from u.

Unlike making outrageous claims without backing them up whatsoever?

OK, Iā€™ll play your idiotic game.

The moon is made out of green cheese and the only way you can disprove it is by travelling to the moon and grabbing a piece of it.


Your claim, your onus to prove it.

This is what I say, feral and ret are so powerful on this stupid forum.
They can just bully all other claesses, even can change the original WLK classic game.

Classes seem very balanced on unofficial Wrath of the Lich Kong servers. Why would they not be balanced on Blizzardā€™s servers?