Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

Imaging typing all this out early on in the data gathering phase for testing of dps classes.

WE did it boys!!! Now time for the rets to get a swing or two from the nerf bat.

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Imagine living a life of pettiness and being vindictive in a video game.


Enh shaman is considerably harder, and basically does trash dps now.


Love how Unholy has been dominating this entire rerelease, with only some minor competition from affli locks, but people cry about cats and ret. the first 5/5 had 9 unholy dk.


Because UH didn’t get a buff to get there. Instead they copped a nerf (as they should have).

The point isn’t that someone’s on top, it’s that modern Blizzard are changing the game to determine who is on top according to metrics noone knows. I suspect there is no metric given the way it’s been panning out. Just Bliz idea of community vote for fotm.

They don’t need a nerf.

Precisely why the “community” shouldn’t be trusted or relied on to provide game balance advice. It’s the reason I opposed Blizzard weighing in on class balance in the first place - because I didn’t trust them to deploy the necessary resources to do it properly.


It’s confirmed that some people on the Blizz team requested Sim data for different set ups before the glyph change, what are you talking about?

They shouldn’t balance only from Sim data, but it’d a useful tool if the team is too small to field enough high level players for internal data.

Now we wait for them to realise there’s plenty of middle ground between where Ret was and top 2 melee dps.

I mean isn’t that what the PTR is for? The top players will sure as heck be there.

Let me know when someone gets 4 piece or Shadowmourne on the PTR.

Haven’t check what items are available on the npc’s but it would certainly be easy enough to put all the ICC items there for free.

It would, and lead to better data, but they haven’t.

Different* data, p3 gear is good for testing progression and difficulty.

Cool, but… they’re not there. And won’t be. They didn’t hand out any ICC gear for PTR testing.

This is a very strange way to do this.

So you take one glyph that increases your damage done by 3% and another that reduces it by 5%. Lol. Imagine a new-ish player looking at this, it’s confusing and makes little sense.

If they wanted to nerf this just add 1 second to the CD of Faerie Fire (Feral). That probably would have a similar effect without it being so weirdly confusing. Bear tanks don’t use that ability on CD for damage, it wouldn’t nerf them. The difference would be Up to 10 casts per minute versus 12.

I think the biggest problem with a change like this is that it makes that glyph appear optional. The whole purpose of this change in the first place was to remove bear-weaving.

For people who know, the OoC glyph is still better, of course (for multiple reasons), but it’s just a confusing way to do this.

Also, this nerf is definitely targeted to the highest level players who are playing the class perfectly. There is a big difference between good ferals and all-star ferals. I’d say a much larger difference than most classes (even more so for average players).

And if I’m being honest, nerfs at this late stage of the game of any kind just feels bad (even if it’s an adjustment from a previous buff). I would lean toward buffing other specs and hopefully avoiding the “need” for a 30% damage buff altogether.

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I literally had to rot for HALF A YEAR

Fury was 3rd top DPS in 2008-9

And now we are number SIXTEEN

Where the hell is fury number 16?

Edit: I had out of date info I’m not sure on our rankings anymore lol

You… I… what… can you read?

Those are Ulduar dps rankings which for some god knows what reason have been posted this month.

It’s literally tagged as phase 2 and Ulduar.

Get better sources cause that crap just aint flying.

Fury is still garbage