Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

Sorry, I wasn’t on the forums in vanilla, so I can’t give that to you. I was a very bad player who knew little to nothing about the game. I have since then become an average player who is fairly invested. If it helps, I was always unhappy that warrior was the only “viable” tank spec. Hell, I would have liked to even see shaman tanks! I knew so little about vanilla when I started I was worried that picking warrior meant I would have to use a shield instead of a meaty 2-hander. Turns out 2-handers were bad anyway lol.

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I get the sentiment, but can you see the frustration from people playing these specs when we’re finally really good and then the guys who were always infinitely better than us are now mad that we’re better?


omg, warriors aren’t #1? wtf

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It makes absolutely no sense for classes with a chance at a legendary weapon to do less damage than a utility hybrid class that attacks with its paws. Most DKs, Rets, and Warriors will not even be close to feral damage because they won’t have a Shadowmourne. Melee with a legendary should do more damage than melee without one, there isn’t even a debate to be had here.

Increase the cooldown of faerie fire, give them an equivalent to the Titan’s Grip penalty, or something else because right now the incidental overbuff due to a QoL fix is absurd.


This is misinformation. Some people set up the warrior sim to be Troll racial and also use an Overpower spec that pretty much no one in the top 100 uses in order to add 400 dps to warrior sim. Use the normal spec with any other race and Ret is almost 500 dps ahead of warrior when both have Smourne.

Perhaps. Or perhaps not.

If you want to play S-tier, you need to reroll.
If you like your class, just play your class. You can still parse and can still do good numbers.

It’s like a 16 y/o girl complaining her car only has 300 HP and yet she is too scared to drive it over 30mph.

P.S. I’m Rdru.


Also notice how the people who complain about hybrid DPS never seem to have a problem with pigeon holing hybrids into healing 100% of time.


posting a poste. Bye, thanks.

OR should require nerfs.

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If something will give them 400+ dps you can absolutely bet that all the parselords will race change and respec to get it.

It will become the new norm, and thus, not misinformation.


The ret does 450 dps more right…? and what spec does that sim use? oh the spec with no dsac? but look later on, dsac is mentioned by the op, but so is crit and haste, taking all those support talents is -900 dps, which puts the warrior by your numbers +450 on ret

This sort of intentional misinformation is like me wanting a fury warrior nerf because sweeping strikes is too powerful with titan’s grip, the amazing 85 point retribution spec


Omg its orange, it HAS to do more deeps.

More whining hiding in… lore?

its how the sim is playing out on a patchwerk fight, no one takes it because it isnt actually good. Overpower spec was around at the start of phase 2, it isnt something new. Its a cheese you can input into the sim but after people tried it everyone stopped using it.

sims are great ways to estimate damage but if none of the top 100 players are using that spec its probably not applicable

its one of many utility spells ret has, losing this doesnt suddenly make ret have warrior level utility

The point they’re making is every Ret will be basically required to use the Dsac build due to the sheer power of Dsac.

With how much of a crutch dsac is yeah it does.

You probably have a second or third source of every ret utility… (This includes DSac/aura mastery).

Your ret is likely bringing exactly none or maybe one source noticeable utility to your raid group in their top DPS spec in your average raid comp.

Kind of like warriors.


While I don’t think Warriors need a buff, and I don’t have an issue with the Ret buff (it wasn’t needed really but wasn’t extreme either), I do find it hilarious that many of the same people who said “buff us now and remove it later when we are OP” are now arguing to not remove the buffs. It’s almost like players are self interested about these things - who knew?

I mean, I remember distinctly back in NAX 2.0 when Rets were arguing that they should get priority on a buff over Fury (Fury were performing slightly worse at that time) on the basis that Fury scales insanely well and Ret doesn’t and if Ret did end up top by ICC they should remove the buff. Great to see how these players are staying true to their word … lol not. But anywho - it was always going to pan out this way, human nature.

This is precisely why Blizzard’s approach of adhoc buffs by popular opinion is a flawed approach - because players are biased and the higher population classes (not specs - players like having strong offspec options) will always get the priority treatment - squeaky wheel and all that. Hybrids tend to have bigger populations and a louder community voice (yes I know Warriors are Hybrid). This is precisely why Hunters have flown under the radar all expansion too.

Honestly - there wasn’t a strong case for any of the buffs that happened imo. They shouldn’t have touched class balance. But reversing it is like putting toothpaste back in the tube - not worth it.


Link the relevant data in question please. (The “sim sheet”)

Fair point, but really the big issue and why there is drama is because the buffs in the end didn’t make sense and to top it off, Aggrend himself plays ret.

Kris Zierhut said buffs should be for a low representation class if class strength is why they are low rep. Warrior was the lowest rep for pretty much all of wotlk. It was terrible. Ret was more desirable as a spec but on top of that paladins have S++ prot and healing specs, making it one of the most popular class in raids.

Had warriors also gotten a meaningful buff, or rets and ferals did not get a buff, or had rets and ferals got an APPROPIRATE buff (like 5% or something) then there would be no drama. Ferals by contrast got a 15-25% buff depending on how much bear weaving you used to do and paladins got 10%. Feral is now #1 and Ret isnt far behind, beating out fury warrior in full BiS. Meanwhile warrior is still generally regarded as an undesirable class to bring to raid.

They should have just not touched class balance. Alternatively if they had, actually doing some real math and evenly distributing the buffs in a manner to keep the existing class ranks would have been very low drama. But totally reshuffling the class dps ranks? That was beyond foolish.

The #1 dps in the game has Brez and Innervate. Warriors with BiS by contrast are not where they should be and have utility nowhere near that powerful. You can literally stack a class with a battle rez. Madness.


you’d think that, except none of them “actively” play wrath at all. You think they raided ulduar and had to AFK on vez every single week? No that crap would’ve been changed month 1.

To the above poster, no aggrend doesn’t play wrath. Yes, he leveled a ret paladin but he plays classic era/hardcore.

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