Privus cache in ZM

Trying to get the key for this chest. I know from wowhead that you get a trap from the dude in the cave. Only problem is I can only get the unstable trap and not the one I need. Do you need the achievement to get the correct trap?

Ive done all the quests and almost all of the console. As far as I know, ive done every quest in the zone unless there is a rep based one. Tirim (Firim or whatever) is still neutral yellow, though I am 9000/12000 honored with The Enlightened.

Any help would be appreciated.

Unfortunately it appears getting the trap requires you to have gotten the (random daily) quest once, and it has not turned up in several weeks. Blizzard are very slow to “fix” things like this, since they hold to the poor argument that long unlucky streaks are just part of the game.

But hopefully someone checks every now and then to see that the daily quest choice is working correctly and not stuck in some permanent loop that is skipping the one you need.