Prismatic Bauble + Aspect of the Cheetah

Hi … I’m not good at advanced macros.
I’m trying to create a macro to activated my toy Prismatic Bauble, only when I have Aspect of the Cheetah not on cd (3 minutes of cd). Actualy I’m using this macro:

#showtooltip Aspect of the Cheetah
/use Prismatic Bauble
/cast Aspect of the Cheetah

The problem is: the toy activate when I press the macro, no matter if Cheetah is available, so wasting the toy for the next use of my cheetah. I know for sure you guys will tell me: Don’t press the macro while Cheetah is on cd. But ometimes I just press it without looking for it… it’s because I use 3 ways to run (keybinded)… if one is on cd, I press the next one… I don’t like to waste time looking for the 3 ones to see whats is not on cd… it’s not part of my rotation… if it’s up, it’s good when I need to run… that’s all.

I tried to change one macro, created to activate a message only when binding shot is activated… but I don’t know what command is used to use a toy in this script.
Can someone help me?

The macro I tried to change:

/run if GetSpellCooldown(“Binding Shot”) == 0 then SendChatMessage("[Binding Shot] placed! ",“say”); end
/castsequence [@cursor] reset=combat Binding Shot

Your only option is going to be a castsequence because…

You’ll need to press it twice.

/castsequence Aspect of the Cheetah, Prismatic Bauble

You can add a reset to switch back to Cheetah if you forget to press it a 2nd time.

/castsequence reset=10 Aspect of the Cheetah, Prismatic Bauble

Thank you for the macros

It is not a smart decision… it’s clickable, with conditions

my translation is not good… i think you misunderstood me when I said activate… Im saying I need a macro for cheetah and prismatic together, but not activating automatcly… I want to press the button twice and prismatic bauble not use if cheeta is on cd… understand me? or its only possible with message? like the binding shot one…

Not possible. You can’t check if Cheetah is on or off CD before casting an ability/using an item.

That said, the castsequence essentially does this by not letting you use Bauble without first using Cheetah.

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Very good!! Thank you.

I’ve tried the macro but stuck at prismatic bauble

Use the 2nd one.

Could just set the reset to like 10 seconds since you only want to use bauble while you are using cheetah.