<Prism Sentence> 4/9M & AOTC Tuesday/Wednesday 9pm-Midnight EST

General Description:

Prism Sentence is a newly renamed mythic progression guild on Thrall. Previously named Wasted Potential, our goal is to push as far into mythic as possible while maintaining a more laid back, fun atmosphere. We have avid enjoyers of M+, PvP and collecting! We are an adult guild and LGBTQ friendly!

Current Accomplishments:

9/9 N, AOTC, and 4/9M Amirdrassil

Previous Accomplishments:

CE Nyalotha, 7/8 M VOI, 3/8M Abberus (Took Early Break)

Raid Times:

Tuesday & Wednesday 9pm-Midnight EST

Optional Sunday Heroic 9pm-Midnight EST

Contact Information:

Discord: slayingbaes

Bnet: BlueRaffle#1267


In Raid:

  1. Keep comms clear during pulls! Feel free to joke, have fun, etc. between pulls or during trash.
  2. We maintain a 20+ man roster, to account for absences. We will be optimizing our raid comp based on needs for each encounter and will prioritize getting everyone in on reclears. Everyone will have times where they will be sat on bosses.
  3. If asked to communicate which reclear boss kills you want for loot, please do so before roster is posted (Monday Night). We will be prioritizing getting people kills for vault and getting trials in first.
  4. Please have proper raid etiquette. Be nice to one another! Make sure all criticism is constructive and not an attack of others. Try to voice concerns in whispers to officers rather than clutter comms when there are discussions.
  5. BOE policy. Our guild funding will revolve around selling of BOES. When a BOE drops, you can keep it for yourself for half price, someone from raid team can buy for half price, or we will sell it on auction house (half to person, half for guild expenses).
  6. Be understanding, there will be strat and positioning changes made for bosses for many different reasons. We appreciate feedback and will consider it. Just understand that the ultimate decision will be made on a variety of factors.
  7. Be responsible- Learn from your mistakes and what you are doing wrong. If you don’t understand why you are dying or what is happening, just ask an officer. Dead raiders don’t do DPS!
  8. Mains will be given priority. We want to gear one toon and not funnel gear to several characters. If you want to swap to a different class, discuss with an officer. We will allow it with adequate reasoning and if you catch that character up outside of raid.
  9. We want prompt attendance. The expectation is to show up and be invited to raid 15 minutes before invites go out. We want to start clearing trash or explaining strategies at 9 PM EST. If you cannot show up 15 minutes prior, discuss with an officer!
  10. We want consistent attendance. Our goal is that all raiders have 90% attendance rates. We understand real life happens though, so just make sure to post absences in ⁠absences 24-hours or more before the absence. This is important for us to finalize the weekly raid roster ahead of raid.

Out of Raid:

  1. Ideally, we want outside of raid progression of characters including time invested in mythic plus and grinding out gear (aka ring from 10.7). If your schedule does not allow it, please communicate that with an officer. We are trying to have some focus on progression, but still let people have real lives.
  2. Please have consumables (pots, etc.), enchants, and gems in gear.
  3. Review your own performance. Reference guides about your classes and logs for particular bosses. Smack a target dummy if you need practice with rotation. If you need help too, don’t feel scared to reach out!
  4. Be helpful. There are some that are not as into M+ as you, IF you can help them get their keys done for the week, please do! Go into the key with correct expectations. Understand some people have less experience and be considerate of that.
  5. Be helpful to the guild as a whole- This tier the guild hopes to provide everything you will need for raiding including enchants, gems, pots, phials, food, and vantus. If you have extra materials, throw them into the bank to help provide for the guild.
  6. Before raid, ensure you have any required WAs/Addons discussed in the raid guide channels. This helps us reduce downtime from people having to download during raid!