Prior CE 10/10H 1/10M Multi Healer

Multi Healer currently semi maining a disc priest and resto shaman looking for weekday evening Cutting Edge focused raiding guild. I’d prefer to raid only two nights a week but will make exception for the right guild.

Current Healers: (Can’t include links so had to separate letters)

Disc Priest:

h ttps://

h ttps://

h ttps://

Resto Shaman:

h ttps://

I try to be active in M+ outside of raid hours across all healers and my tanks. I ended last season (before prepatch inflation) at 2.5kio.

Notable Achievements (while relevant):

Light of Dawn
Cutting Edge Garrosh
Cutting Edge Archimonde
Cutting Edge Argus
Cutting Edge Ghuun
Cutting Edge Queen Azshara
AOTC - All

Current Level 60:
Priest 198ilvl
Druid 186ilvl
Shaman 198ilvl
Paladin 190ilvl
Monk 195ilvl
Demon Hunter - In Progress

Experience as heal lead in mythic/cutting edge content, organizing and vocalizing raid cooldown management.

BNet: Crixx#11111

Hey there, check us out!

Eternal Order | Alliance | Sargeras|

RAID TIMES: Wednesday & Thursday night at 9:00 pm EST


We are 10/10 Normal and 5/10 Heroic at the moment. We will be pushing into mythic raiding at a semi-hardcore pace. We want CE by the tiers end.

Our core raid team will be pushing progression at a steady pace, but without you having to kill your schedule. We have dependable, talented core players that will help us get through the content and put it on farm mode. We will be doing normal, heroic, and mythic tier raiding.


We need 1 hunter, 1 rogue, and 1 warrior DPS for our mythic raid team roster. Other exceptional classes or roles will be considered.

Hey! We are a semi-hardcore guild that completes the content in a laid back environment while being serious-minded about progression. Mythic+ keys is something we love to do and are always looking for more players to run them with. Our guild is extremely social and we like to communicate with each other outside of raid times.


Our guild has adults 20-35+ with lives outside of World of Warcraft. Real-life comes first. We believe you can enjoy raiding without the constant activity outside of raid.


⦁ Players who bring a positive attitude to our laid-back community. We like to have fun while still being focused on content completion.

⦁ Dedicated players who can commit to long-term raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand occasional absences might happen!

⦁ Players that arrive raid ready with a strong ability to play their class, understand boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve.

Gear Requirements:
As this is the end of BFA, we currently have no gear restrictions to join


Awesome! Contact Brobøt (me) to learn more. Please feel free to reach out to us, ask any questions you may have, and find out if we are the home for you!


** Brobøt **

BNET: Br4wn#1859

DISCORD: Brobot#8506

shot you an add on Battle net. Very anxious to speak with you.


Hi there, we’re Severity on Hyjal. We are currently a start up of just about 20 current and returning top 50 US raiders. Our interests stem from raiding, to mythic +, to pvp, and sale runs in our freetime. We are looking for like minded players to progress and grow with us into shadowlands and beyond. To keep up with all of the content that we enjoy in the game, we intend to raid on a lighter schedule of two nights a week; Wednesday/Thursday 7:30 - 11:30 pm PST with optional events outside the scheduled mandatory raid times.

currently looking for a solid disc priest to round out our healing core . add me if interested or have any questions , would really love to talk
btag: mke#11978

One Heal is a Horde CE Guild on Area-52. Formed up late during BFA. Led by a core of experience raiders we achieved 12/12M on a short timeframe and will continue to achieve CE each tier as we start to push our rankings with the end expansion goal of US 150.

Currently Recruiting:

  • Exceptional DPS
  • Resto Shaman

Applicants should have experience with mythic raiding and CE from Legion/BFA and are expected to have knowledge of their class and respective roles. All exceptional applicants should feel free to apply.

Raid Times:

Tuesday: 9pm-12PM EST

Wednesday: 9pm-12PM EST

Thursday: 9pm-12PM EST

Friday: 9pm-12PM EST (First 2 weeks of progression/Optional Heroic)

Raider Expectations:

  • All players are expected to maintain high raid attendance. While real life happens and is completely understandable we need to be able to progress and depend on our raiders to show up consistently.
  • All raiders are expected to show up with consumables(food, pots, tomes, etc) for raid.
  • Players are expected to maintain their gear to stay competitive and know boss fights and mechanics going into fights.
  • Maintain composure and accept constructive feedback as we all improve.

Current Prog:

*1/10 Mythic

  • 9/10 Heroic


Our goal is to continually improve and get better each tier while maintaining a raid atmosphere that allows us to enjoy raiding. The expectation is for our raiders to identify their own mistakes so they can correct them and move on. We are all raiding because we enjoy the game and have fun but falling behind in gear/mechanics or having a bad attitude in raid all take the fun away and is unacceptable.

Outside of raid we have a few big PvPers in the guild as well as M+ pushers who are on at all hours of the day. Once raid tiers are cleared there are also a variety of different games that are played.


BNet: Raynor#3457, Yenchmeister#1217, Putiputi#1305, Clerkie#1247, Jaded#7289

Discord: Raynor#3457, Yenchmeister#8407, Putiputi#4524, Clerkie#9999, Jaded#7289

Feel free to ask us any questions or fill out an application.

Good Morning

Shaman Available this week for heroic!

Hey, sounds like we might be a good fit. Happy to chat any time. General info below.


[H] Wanted Rejects - Area 52. 1/10M and AOTC CN, CE Nyalotha. Looking for more strong raiders to complete our Mythic progression oriented core raid team.

Raid times: Mon/Tues 8-11pm ET (progression)
Optional non-progression: Sun 8-11 ET (heroic while raiders still need any pieces, alt heroic, normal on weak alts, or other for something to do)

We are a crazy fun group of people who like to hang out and have fun but still make meaningful progression. Our core raiders have very strong raid experience and we need YOU to come fill out our roster.

Current needs:
Healer, DPS

  • Holy Paladin (very high)
  • Resto Shaman (very high)
  • Disc Priest (very high)
  • Mage (very high)
  • DK (high)
  • Ret Pally
  • Other ranged

Expectations/Guild rules

  1. 90% raid attendance from Core Raiders. Availability on raid nights from anyone who might be brought in. We’ll clearly communicate the plan as soon as we have it.
  2. Be on time. On time means 15 minutes before raid time. We have a scheduling conflict channel to coordinate conflicts.
  3. We have a zero-tolerance policy for drama. It doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong.
  4. Be in discord with a working mic.
  5. It’s important that we’re always on the look out for better players. It is your responsibility to maintain your raid spot, we won’t do that for you. This includes everyone without favoritism, including officers. We all work to earn our spots and advance the team.
  6. BoEs (in progression) go to the guild as we use the gold to supply flasks/food and repairs for raiders. You get a cut of the sale price. This might change, depending on how the Shadowlands economy shakes out.

We are also interested in bringing in more M+ key pushers! We already have many active M+ players but we would like to build on what we have in order to create a community for pushing higher and higher keys.

We normally have a short application process, review logs, and a trial period. We’re also happy to just hang out and (badly if its me) push keys as a way to meet the team between raids.

Add me on Bnet if you are interested or have any questions.


Dktrfaust#1775 (recruiter)
Paally#1920 (raid lead)

Hey there, sounds like we may be a good fit.
I’ll leave our spam post below for your consideration.
Reach out any time if you’d like to discuss.

Hey Crixxe,

We need a disc real bad.

Style on Sargeras raids Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-11 EST and are currently 2/10 M.

Full spiel below:

Our goal in Shadowlands is to get Cutting Edge at a timely manner within the small raid days and time with no overtime raiding.

Raid Schedule

Tues/Wed 7-10 CST (Server Time) with invites going out 15 mins before raid.

Optional alt raid on Thursday same time.

Previous Raid Progression

Tomb of Sargeras- 8/9M

Antorus the Burning Throne- 10/11M

Uldir- 8/8M

Battle of Dazar’alor- 8/9M

Current Raid Progression

Castle Nathria- 10/10 N, 9/10 H, 2/10M

What we are looking for

  • Melee & Range DPS (No Hunters)
  • DPS with healer offspec
  • Competent DPS applications are always welcome to apply

Our Expectaions

We expect our raiders to be on point with keeping up with their class and specs to be able to play at the maximum level possible

We also expect our raiders to have 90% attendance given our raid days and times

We expect our raiders to be prepared by at least knowing how the boss fights works either by reading or watching a video on the boss to have some understanding

Be able to do mechanics when asked to

Push yourself to be your best

Keep up with current content

Addon Requirements

  • Bigwigs or DBM
  • Exorsus Raid Tools
  • Weakauras
  • RC LootCouncil

If you are interested in applying

https:// is a space after the //)

Please have logs

If you have any other questions please contact and of our officers on Bnet:

Yaj#11571 (GM/RL)

Renegade#1467 (Officer)

Howdy! We are [US/H][Mal’ganis] | Wipes on Trash | 9/10H


Weekend Team: 2 days

  • Fridays and Saturdays 8PM CST - 11:30 PM CST

Guild Background:

Wipes on Trash’s weekend raid team is a 9/10H guild on Mal’ganis and we’re getting ready to hit mythic with a focus on cutting edge. We raid Friday/Saturday 8pm CST-11:30PM cst

Filled with CE raiders we’re currently looking for a few more to fill out our roster for progression. We are a group of friends and guildies who just enjoy raiding with each other so our raid environment is very chill and has a zero tolerance for toxicity.

Because we are the weekend team that raids along side the weekday team of Wipes on Trash, we have a huge community of guildies who enjoy hanging out, m+, PVP, and sometimes we get events together such as Among Us!

Currently we are looking for:

  • Tanks: 1, any
  • Healers: Hpally, Holy Priest, RSham, RDruid
  • DPS: Any, ranged preferred, melee with exceptional history or logs

Contact Info

If you’re interested please message me on battletag at

  • Bonfires#11791
  • Discord at Len#4543
    When messaging please send a link to your logs and name any prior experience you have, I’ll respond even if offline.

Thank you!

Hey there! We are currently looking for a resto shaman:

TILTED-Area 52, is a newly formed guild at the end of BFA of mostly multiple CE raiders and leadership. We are still working on putting together a roster to push top 150 US ranks by the end of the expac.

What we are looking for:

-Drama free
-Prepared for raid (consumables, fight research, etc) and understands the importance of M+
-Team player in an inclusive raid environment
-Trolls, racist language, bigotry are not welcome here
-Strong performance (this doesn’t mean orange parses)- we want people who can show strong output, but also take on tasks in raid and not complain about how it impacts their DPS

Current Progress: 10/10N, 9/10H, 1/10M
Raid times: Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm PST to 12 am PST (11p CST to 2am CST, 12am EST to 3am EST)
Invites go out 15 minutes prior to our start and you are expected to be online and ready to go then!
We raid on Monday’s for the first 3 weeks of a new tier

What we provide

  • A stable raid environment
  • We provide some consumables (enchants, flasks/cauldrons, gems, food and some pots)
  • Active guild that always has people looking for M+

Recruitment status:

Roster: Currently at 24 people (consistently 22). We are not looking to over recruit and have a massive bench- our spots are competitive.

Tanks: None for the raid team- m+ tanks in guild would be great.
Ranged DPS: Anything but boomkins
Melee DPS: Death Knight
Healers: Resto shaman/Priest

[Application:] https : // apply. wowaudit. com/us/area-52/tilted/main
-remove the spaces in the address above.

Even if your class isn’t listed here but feel you meet or exceed the items listed above, please contact me in game after applying!


< Ouroboros >
Proudmoore (PvE) Alliance

Current Progression:
9/10H, 10/10N Castle Nathria

Previous Xpac:

Ny’alotha 12/12M, 12/12H, 12/12N Cutting Edge
Eternal Palace: 7/8M, 8/8H 8/8N
Battle of Dazar’alor: 9/9M, 9/9H, 9/9N Cutting Edge
Crucible of the Storms 2/2 H
Uldir 8/8M, 8/8 H, 8/8 N Cutting Edge

Our Raid Schedule:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:
8pm-11pm PST, 9pm-12am MST, 10pm-1am CST, 11pm-2am EST .

Hey Crlxxe! My team might be the right fit for you.

CA Progression: 9/10H 1/10M

Recruiting the following: Please have a history of cutting edge raiding.

  • Mage
  • Spriest
  • Hunter
  • Warrior
  • 1x Healers (Prefer Priest/Pally)

If you are not listed above you should still reach out if you have CE experience

Our Vision:

CA began with a clear goal in mind; building a tight knit group of competitive raiders who want to achieve Cutting Edge all while maintaining a light raiding schedule. We recognize that the success of a raiding guild depends on making intelligent and informed decisions, communicating effectively and maturely, and being as prepared as possible for every challenge. Our leadership is experienced and understands the commitment required to maintain an effective raiding roster throughout each tier. We are committed to clearing all mythic content each tier with the goal of achieving the highest possible ranking and to constantly improve ourselves and our team.

We raid 6 hours per week on the following schedule:

  • Tuesday - 8PM - 11PM CST
  • Wednesday - 8PM - 11PM CST

Our commitment to you:

We pride ourselves on being efficient on a light schedule while still having a professional, driven, and respectful atmosphere. We promote an atmosphere that encourages team-oriented attitudes, minimized drama and toxicity, and rewards preparation. Our roster is made up mostly of working-class adults who desire hardcore progression on a less hardcore schedule.

Joining us you can expect:

  • Experienced, passionate, and driven leadership that doesn’t give up.
  • A performance orientated environment. On progression we will bring the best 20 regardless of seniority, creating a competitive environment where raiders will continue pushing themselves to improve in order to maintain their position.
  • Trials who are recruited and put into progression scenarios quickly. We want you to prove your merits and what you can bring to our roster on non-trivial content.
  • Constant recruitment to improve the roster and create internal competition to constantly improve.
  • A healthy roster of 25+ raiders all held to the same standards and expectations.
  • Fair play time - during farm we rotate players fight to fight based on loot needs. We aim to keep all players on our roster engaged and active with raiding and progression time.
  • No split groups and thus do not require an alt. We do require proficient off-spec(s). We run a lean roster so versatility is a must.

Our Expectations:

As 2 day/week guild, we need to make every hour we play count. As such we’re looking for players who will come into raids as prepared as can be, and eager to make every pull a meaningful one. Qualities we’re looking for in applicants:

  • Progression experience - We’re looking for players who have been a part of end-tier progression pushes in past or present content. Ideally we’re looking for people who have knowledge of what it takes to succeed in a progression guild over a prolonged period of time.
  • Team oriented, mature, and professional attitude - We take raiding seriously and value the community we raid in. Therefore we are looking for maturity, respect, and integrity when considering applicants. We have a no tolerance approach to bullying, toxic personalities. We are looking for team players who value the success of the guild and the benefit of the raid over personal gain or glory.
  • Constant improvement - We keep our roster spots competitive and reward those who constantly push themselves to get better. You should understand that no matter how good you are, you can always improve. We want players who are constantly analyzing and researching how they can improve, and coming to raid each and every night with the goal to be better than the last.

How to Join:

If you’re interested in joining, go to the following link and fill out an application:

Application Link:–s1Q/viewform

You also can chat with us if you have any questions about the guild or how we operate before applying.

Please contact one of the officers below if you have any questions:

(Discord: Gudds#3932, Btag: Gudds#1416) - GM
(Discord: Xeddy#1221, Btag: Xeddy#1427) - Raid Lead/Recruitment

now 2/10 mythic…wanna chat now? our first mythic week was this week.

lets chat this time?


lets chat- asap.
