Prince galen trollbane missing

hey. so im trying to complete the death knight class campaign. and its asking me to go speak or kill prince Galen Trollbane over in the arathi highlands. problem is when I go there, he hasn’t spawned. I tried going back in time using the timewalker up by the undercity ruins, but that hasn’t helped. anyone know where I can find him or is he just gone and the game still thinks hes there. thanks.

You probably want the Bronze Dragonflight rep Zidormi in Arathi Highlands (same dragon, different location) at the south edge of the zone, by the Thandol Span.

There are lots of copies of Zidormi, and each only affects phasing of the specific zone they’re in, so the Undercity one wouldn’t have any effect on Arathi.

Here’s a WowHead comment that lists all the places Zidormi is, all at the same time, because Bronze Dragon.


hey thanks. ill try that.

yep. that fixed it. the devs really should make more of an effort to clarify things like that. maybe put an extra objective to go and speak with zidormi or something. or at least warn us. regardless. thanks this fixed the problem.


Thanks for that fixed it for me too

I also got stuck on this. Especially since they port you right next to one that does nothing. But this fixed it for me. Thanks bud.