Primordial Stones in PVP

The only content PvP needs is good class balance and maybe some fresh ideas for PvP options beside Arena/BGs.

Those Primodial Stones would have add NOTHING cool to PvP.
It would have only worsened the balance.

It was almost only simple DMG boosts anyways. Who cares about that?

I would even argue that it could be better for You to have your needed Stats instead if those nerfed stones.

This isnt an mmo or an rpg anymore. WOW is now an online store with a action game attached to it.


It’s definitely still both of these.

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Who cares about balance? Obviously not me. Pvp is about pwning.

You also can pwn in a balanced game but you need skill for that.

Bring the player not the class.


Won’t be nerfed for rogues my man ala Dozer

Bring the class not the player. Let ChatGPI4 play.

I mean there are games with a concept like that. They are quite fun.
Where you just prepare your characters and then they fight alone.

Maybe you should play auto chess battle games.

They’re good time killers, like I pkay afk arena and it gives me something to do during work

They should’ve only reduced the effect for instanced PvP. Completely understand the need to nerf it for competitive PvP, but to nerf it in all PvP sucks.

Hot Take here:

I feel like they should have given it the Crafted Gear treatment: That is to say, have a couple of PvP-exclusive/specific parts for the ring that could give bonuses generally ideal for PvP. Kind of like the WPvP set bonuses.

this isn’t what we mean by new content. random proc effects that aren’t acquired by pvp means are not fun

Nerfing stones is cool, but you know what’s really cool? Nerfing Ret Paladins and Fistweavers. Also make the invisibility finding stones in arena work better.

And come out with no tank, 6v6 solo/duo queue RBGs with new maps specifically designed to cater to small team play.

This will conclude our demands for a week or two.



One of the only sensible replies here.

"Gear not acquired by PvP shouldn’t be good "is absolute nonsense. So crafted gear should not exist either, then?

This is a RPG, not a PvP only game. Of course we want to get shiny things from OTHER MEANS than just PvP. It’s not a frikkin mythic raid drop, I spent 2 days and I got them.

Very disappointed, because even a 30k shield is almost nothing in PvP. 9k is hardly gonna fend off auto-attack.

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What fits better, extraneous or vandalism


My dude, you replied to a comment that was over a year ago. How daft are you lol


Still a thing, still valid, I don’t look at dates.

Yes, hello, FBI? Yes, we found one.

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