Primordial Stones in PVP

this effectively kills the rings in pvp. thank you! we dont want them.

Love it. 10ch

Yes I’ll second that notion :clap:t2:

lol they got me

They need rings like these to make pvp fun again. Imagine a ring where anyone could get bubble, or kidney shot. Every raid boss ability or player ability should be available on the rings. Blizzard have proven that they cannot balance pvp, so lets full send it and bring in some crazy randomness to matchups.

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:


Oh the possibilities
hunters with a 40yard ranged kidney shot, healers with tempest wings, warriors with blessing of freedom, fire mages with phantasmal corruption, rogues with wings :stuck_out_tongue:

Why are you so afraid of gear in pvp? WoW is am rpg.

Despite being an apex neckbeard I abhor chores just to be allowed to be functional in my preferred form of content. I imagine people with less time to play feel a similar way.


you sound exactly like the guildy that genuinely believes that making wow arena into a separate game is its best solution because “gear isn’t a massive factor for it and doesnt feel like an mmorpg”

absolute cooked thinking lmfao. imagine your entire mind set being solely based around PVE when there’s tons of different ways to play the game


Good stuff

Wow really didn’t expect that from blizzard, good job!

Still seems required though, no?

It should just be disabled

why would a ring that only has 25% effectiveness be required?

disabling it just hurts the casual who does nothing but world content/pvp and random battlegrounds lol

It is still an effect, unless it takes an embellishment slot

i don’t even know what the effect is but there is zero chance it’s so wild that it’s worth grinding with a 75% nerf attached to it the moment you enter instanced PvP

this is the best possible way to deal with it

Fantastic news!

No dude. Arena is part of wow and gear matters in rpgs. Play another game thats about skill.

That hasn’t changed.

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Means the difference between someone having one and not is not as high. You’ll hardly notice