Primal Storms quests VS new UI

 I have done the Dragonflight Primal Storms quests on multiple characters and I am certain it has been reported but I have no clue what keywords will find it for me, so add me to the list of unhappy campers. 
 When I made my new UI for each player, I thought it meant I will not be bothered with information blocking my Action Bars or any of the important parts I want and/or need to see and interact with to play my game, relax, and have some fun. It appears you did not allow us to control everything that can interfere with our gameplay. 
 When the Primals talk to their minions and tell them to help, or scream anger at us, you should either let us control where that communication is placed on our screen, or move it up to the normal location of raid warnings and such notices.  If nothing else, place it where we have decided to put all "HUD Tooltip" messages.  But covering the bottom center of the screen, maybe 8 or so inches long, at least 2 inches or so high -  which means basically on top of most players' location they put the heart of their main tools?  THAT is not a thoughtful action on your part. Why did you bother to give us control over our UI and then let us find out early on in actual game play that we aren't controlling any more than you want us to? 
 I'm sorry for my anger, but it amazes me how people (you) that write a game that millions of people play can be so thoughtless regarding things that affect those people that play. Do you not notice such things when you test and play it before sending it to us? Do you even play it first and try to observe or locate such things?
 I had to come back to edit this because I forgot to add, although I am sure you already know this, the black banner giving us the messages from the Primalists that covers my Action Bars (as you now call them) is totally opaque or solid or I forget what you call it when you cannot click through it. You can hardly read through it, covers quite a bit of the bottom of the center of the screen and you can't click through it. It is just annoying to have to click it off to see cooldowns and use my new UI that is being totally blocked. Thanks. I realize this is a bit of a Rand, but is was  therapeutic for me.   Please fix this . And speaking of things that need fixing - WHY is it so difficult to report a bug to WOW?  It seems we used to have a link that you just clicked on - so, actually, I Googled "how do you report a bug to wow".  The very first return on my search was an article from showing  5 easy steps. Steps 1 & 2 are still possible as they take you to the menu and then Support.  Step 3 is missing because  you do not have a "feedback or bug report" link to click on, so at that point there are many steps to finally reach the Submit a bug description box. It would be great if you revamped the process to get us to that box. Thanks.

I think what you are talking about the “talking head” text box and I believe you can move it with the base blizz UI. If you open Edit Mode there are a variety of different buttons you can select in the “Hud Edit Mode” window that pops up. On the right side of the 2 listed options, about in the middle of the list there is “Talking Head” which when you have it selected will let you move the window you are talking about. Once moved, save, and it should no longer hinder your gameplay :slight_smile:
I myself have mine in the top left of my screen

Thanks so much for that. When I first worked with the new UI, yes there was a rather large box labeled Talking Head. Since I did not really know what it might be, I did not want it. First I moved it way down to the lower right where, if I was doing it wrong, it might not interfere with my actual play of the game. After saving and coming back to the initial window, I unchecked it and never saw it again so I thought I no longer had to deal with it since it was saved to a sort-of banished location. I missed any step-by-step info on how to do any of it and had always used the Blizzard UI so I was working in the dark to begin with, so-to-speak. I guess that assumption regarding what to do was wrong.