Primal Storms; Please Fix

Please fix primal storms; of the last 24 storms (yes 24 since the storm spawn at 1600CST on 4/5/24 only spawned 1 storm and im pretty sure there was another this morning at 2amcst), 9 have been Waking Shores and 5 of those 8 were Ice Storms, 9 have been Azure Span, 4 have been in Ohn’ahran Plains, and a whopping 2 have been in Thaldraszus. if you need, i have receipts. A cycle wouldnt be terrible but having Repeats back to back is kinda feels bad.


At this point, a rotation would be the best solution, specially since there’s 16 storms needed, so it wouldn’t be always at the same time of the day, and we would be able to calculate what time will spawn the ones we need


Right now there’s one storm in waking Shores yep. Hopefully I didn’t miss a second Ohn’aran Plains Firestorm.

it was fire in Ohn’aran earlier today :S sorry mate

looks like we are back to one storm every 3 hours again. and it’s still waking shores again

Adding my 2 copper. It seems they “reverted” to their single storm status, whether intentional or not. Bump for visibility!

Only one storm atm, again in the Waking Shores.

Now 0 Storms.

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Garbage like this better not be in the next expansion but you know it will be. RNG storms, RNG world quests it’s maddening.


It just means you can’t skip anything in a patch and hope you can make it up later anymore.

A fun one. Fire in the Plains, but the credit shows up in the Span.

If you’re talking about Cobalt Assembly that has always been part of The Azure Span. It never counted towards the Plains.