Primal storm rares. Please give us a timer

Probably too late for this, but yknow if they do this kinda thing in the future.

I cannot sit and stare at my computer the entire 2 hours. If we knew when and where they were spawning beforehand it would be much less frustrating. Last 3 rares in this storm i have missed because i have to do something irl, come back and the rare is already dead before the message has even faded. Im talking being afk for literally 5 minutes or less. Just frustrating tbh.

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There’s a timer on the wowhead home page. That’s what I use.


I was talking about the rares that spawn during the storm itself. They have a slightly random spawn time.

That tracker on wowhead is really useful for this meta achievement forsure tho lol.


If there was a schedule for rares, players would only engage with the content for those specific times. The whole point of a random timer is to keep players engaged in the content.

Imo the way rares work during this event actually encourages u to afk and just look at the chat box.

There is no reason for me currently to engage in a primal storm beyond getting my 200 kills for the achieve. And even then i have missed a rare because i decided to kill some mobs and i was in combat too long to mount up and fly to the rare before it was dead.

I guess it must have been different when the content mattered. I totally understand that i am engaging in this event for a much different reason than it was designed for.


The rares spawn with the storm spawn and every thirty to fifty minutes after. There’s your timer.

The rares spawn slightly after and it is rng ime. If u do not get there immediately you cannot time it.

Do you think a 20 minute rng difference in the spawn times improves things?

No, but it also doesn’t take away. Wait for a bit if you want to get the achievement. I’m sure RareScanner, another addon, or even a WeakAura can scan for when the rares spawn and alert you so you’re not “staring at your computer screen the entire two hours”.

Can rarescanner also send me a text message when im away from my computer and stop the rare from dying in 30 seconds? No.

If you really dont think it matters either way, why defend the way it works now? Its not like im saying remove the achieve or anything. Just make it more manageable.

“I don’t want to play the game but still get credit.” Yikes, that’s quite the take…

Thats not what i said. Thats not what i have ever said on this forum.

Curious – why are you farming the rares?

Rares don’t count for more, you can get your 200 kills between rare spawns actually.

There is an achieve for 8 diff rares in the primal storm. When i started playing and up until now there was 0 reason to do them so i have to do that achieve and i am finding it unfun.

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achievement or elemental lariat plan. the only 2 reasons

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