Primal Flamesaber - Overdue for a Return

Good day fellow nerds.

With the introduction of the Trading Post we have seen promotional mounts make their return. I would kindly like to request for the Primal Flamesaber, from the Heroes of the Storm promotion when that game launched to make its return via the Trading Post.


I’ll second that.

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I just wish it could fly. Ground mounts are useless to me.


There are outdoor dungeons that allow for mounted transportation but not flying.


And I can use my flying mounts there, as they all work on the ground.

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True but some of them look awkward on the ground.

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I always choose mounts that I like both on the ground and in the air, because I only want one space taken up by mounts on my bars. I even do that on lowbies who can’t fly yet.

Make 'em all fly! That’s what mount equipment is for! :smiley:


I do the same thing.

Although, I can’t wait to be a Dracthyr Mage and soar everywhere. I love Soar.

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I’ve got an entire hotbar set aside for mounts. :sweat_smile:

3 ground mounts.

3 ground/flying mounts.

3 flying mounts.

3 utility mounts for transmog, swimming, etc.


This is me lol

I would like to see the flamesaber come back, it’s a neat mount and I’ve been kicking myself for missing out on it ever since. Heck they could even just bring back the HotS promotion and force us all back into that rotting corpse lol


Soar annoys me.

I can’t use it in water, so I still need a mount on my bars.

I can’t use it to gather, so I still need a mount on my bars.

I have to make sure there’s nothing above me when I hit it, because if you smack your head off something taking off, you’re tossed out of Soar and have to wait for the cooldown.

Don’t accidentally even slightly graze any terrain, or you’re unceremoniously thrown out of Soar and launched across the zone.

Geebus. :eyes:


I don’t have a problem, I swear! :crazy_face:


I’d like to recommend the addon oPie! At the click of any button you open up a wheel and can select something off that wheel to do. There’s a default one with all the Hearthstone Toys and Mage Teleports/Portals, but I also have one for mounts and one for Seasonal Dungeon Teleports.

I have mine set to Middle Mouse button (mounts), Shift + Middle Mouse (Mage Stuff), Alt + middle mouse (Hearthstones) and Ctrl + Middle Mouse for seasonal teleports. I make a mount one specific for each character too.

I am not kidding when I say this addon changed how I play and just brought a lot of QoL changes without needing to see clutter on action bars.

Both of these sound really funny, annoying, but funny.

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The most hilarious time was when I went to get the High Peak flag on Forbidden Reach. It’s over on the Northwest side. I barely grazed the top of that mountain in an attempt to come in too hot… and got thrown across the entire zone. I landed in the water in a fatigue zone past the easternmost little island. LOL


Your a dracthyr, all mount are useless to you. You can literally fly steady and skyriding.

Why? Ground mounts are useless. And you only ever need 1 flying mount. Utility I can understand thought.

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Oh, and I can’t use it in ground-only places.


I got this when it was current. I’d love to see it make a return for the players who weren’t playing at the time.

I’d also lowkey like to see the hordes Warlord Deathwheel make a return - mainly because it kind of sucks that alliance players can buy their bike whenever, but horde players who weren’t playing at the time can never get the bike again. Feels like the horde got punished there for winning/getting it for free if you logged on during that time. I have the mount, but I know so many people who missed it or had to make new accounts and it kind of sucks for them that they can’t just buy it.


Wow thats a cool mount ive never seen it. Would be nice to get.


Seems reasonable!



Some people collect mounts because they like them and want to use a variety? :dracthyr_shrug: