Priests? Rshams? dude

well here it is, after playing nearly 400 games this season around 1400-1600 i can 100% confirm that disc priests and rshams need massive buffs, i’m literally playing PERFECTLY with some of the best heals on my realm(literally 10/10 normal.) and we are getting ROLLED over, it’s genuinely ruining my pvp experience. PLEASE buff them blizz.


Peel more maybe?

nice try but the only healer that needs a buff is holy paladin we are soooo terrible right now we need MASSIVE buffs i play perfectly EVERY game at 1400mmr and i STILL lose there’s just no winning without major changes to our class

ok zoomer.


yes disc needs at least 5 stacks of focused will to stay viable. Also make mindgames do 300% more dmg thx blizz

400 games good grief. you zoomers have so much free time.

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my god? healers need buffs? dude, just no. They need huge nerfs.

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I saw someone who already had the vicious war spider like two days after arena opened

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wow now thats something.

This is a very low effort post with low effort responses- most likely the reason Blizzard doesn’t contribute to the forums anymore. It may be worth looking into the actual statistics instead of just throwing out how you can’t make it out of that rating range…

Holy Paladins, Disc Priests, and Resto Shamans have no problem making it up and through the 2400 2v2 and 3v3 bracket’s.

you guys know he’s memeing right? I’m a little concerned by the replies lmao


its funnier this way

If you’ve played nearly 400 games at 1400-1600 spec just might not be the problem lol…

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The amount of bites on this bait makes OP a seasoned Bering sea fisherman.


False, blizzard doesn’t contribute anymore because they’re a bad company who’d rather hide on twitter than address community problems.

Sounds like a git good issue

no i am pretty sure holy paladins need some serious buffs right now the class is just so bad and stands no chance against all the overpowered healers like holy priests, mw monks and resto druids

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