Priests I mean this from the bottom of my heart

Oh bummer, I dont pvp so didnt know :frowning:

Id ask them before the match starts to not life grip

Unless you have an army of friends willing to mass report with you, I doubt your individual report abusing is going to amount to anything.

Plus, you don’t seem like the kind of person that people like hanging around with anyway, most people tend to avoid your type of ill-adjusted individual that throws a tantrum over every perceived slight against them.

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Sir this is a Wendy’s.


Can you describe in detail the casting animation and how this spell looks in color and particle density? Also include any effects it may produce and precisely how it makes you feel after casting it and seeing it in action.


The problem is that if we hare set up for soul rot and we get pulled out of range of our targets for malefic rupture we lose alot of damage. Priest life grip should require consent from the other person to use it on them. As has been said in this thread. Priests are notorious for trolling people with it. This is not the first time I have had to deal with this.

if it makes you feel any better, I don’t even talent grip…and annoying priests and evokers make me run neural silencers. I had to tell one of the hpriests I used to raid with to worry about my healthbar and not my position. I’m responsible for where I choose to stand. most of our crew got used to it, but one priest player just didn’t want to get it through her thick skull that my position was my responsibility, and I resented her ‘assistance’.

I will grip you whenever I want peasant


laughs in neural silencer

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He is right, though, it is very troll to do such a thing. Affliction has a 1 minute burst window profile which is centered around Soul Rot entirely. Their 1 hero tree, Soul Harvester, literally works entirely off of Soul Rot and if you mess this up their DPS goes from being OK or good to being less than tank DPS. It’s like how Venthyr boomkins were back in Shadowlands, it’s all or nothing, and if you mess up their damage window then it becomes nothing.

He’s arguing this for PvP, where, it’s even more important because PvP has very thin windows to do damage, less than in PvE and it’s not actually all planned unlike PvE. You do it where you can, regardless of whether you want to or not. It’s just the design direction the devs went with the spec, itself, and yeah.

Nonetheless, in my guild when we are on farm, evoker rescue, priest lifegrip, all of that becomes what we do to each other and then the ones that don’t want anything to do with it use a neural silencer, except for tanks. Tanks need to not have a silencer because it means Hunters and Rogues can’t MD/Tricks onto them while they have it on, and since they need the threat from DPS to keep aggro they can’t really chance that as much.

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I’m glad someone speaks some sense in this thread cause this explanation is definitely right. However unfortunately neural silencer can’t be used in rated pvp. Also that would be one more react button I need on my bars.

I really dislike Malefic Rapture when playing my Affliction Warlock.

What I would like instead is to make Shadow Bolt do more damage to the target with dots on them.

I would like Shadow Bolt to automatically consume a Soul Shard when you have them and upon doing so, it would be treated like a Malefic Rapture and deal extra damage to the target(s). In this case, Shadow Bolt would be launched at all targets within range and LOS that are afflicted with corruption.

This version of Shadow Bolt would be able to be spammed with no Soul Shards but then consume them to deal more damage if you have soul shards and with a night fall proc it would not consume soul shards, be instant cast and also act like an empowered Shadow Bolt that had consumed a soul shard. Or at least have a talent that makes Malefic Rapture passive and transfers it’s purpose and synergy over to Shadow Bolt.

But this is all coming from little experience on Affliction.

Can we not derail this thread? This is not about how to change affliction. this is about priests abusing their abilities to sabotage other players gameplay.

SMH. This is just so over the top.

You’re in solo shuffles, so not coordinated group play. Most players gripping you probably don’t even realize you’re in your big dam mode.

Yes there’s mean people that play this game that will do that to you on purpose right at that time but 99% of the time in uncoordinated play it’s just gonna be unintentional bad timing - nobody sabotaging you.

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You’re complaining about something that is not intentional that a miniscule fraction of the Priest community would even had the chance to even relate to on a Priest forum where most other players won’t even see.

You are addressing something that is basically not going to have any impact what so ever.

However, I am attempting at addressing the source of the problem, not the symptom of it.

The problem isn’t the Priest and using Leap of Faith, the problem is with Malefic Rapture which is also a greater problem among Affliction Warlocks as it’s not a well loved spell and never was.

Remove Malefic Rapture or at least have a choice to opt out of that and suddenly your problem with Priests using Leap of Faith will also go away and if not then it’s really on you as a warlock player and not the Priest and you always have the option to prevent being gripped by the Priest via the silencer thing.

I’m looking at the big picture here, not focused on the bush in front of me.

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