Priest talent tree

My priest friend who quit during 8.3 took a look at it and thought it was very interesting.

I really hope they keep the flexibility in playstyle with this tree for us. Cant wait to try out an agressive twilight build.

This happens in the blood DK tree where itā€™s possible to take improve gorefiends grasp without actually having GG in the first place. And there is a row 10 talent locked behind improved GG.

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Was hoping they would use these trees to rework disc a bit, but there are some improvements at least.

Dont get me wrong, itā€™s nothing really new until you get to row 7, just picking up spells we already had, but still.

I thought I remembered a similar issue in the Druid or Death Knight trees but didnā€™t feel like looking it up. Thanks for confirming itā€™s an issue and not just a singular instance. Hopefully it gets cleaned up.

Iā€™m concerned about 3x instant holy fires every 30 seconds on a rmp go and holy fire having a 40% reduced cd and that blanket silence shooting star

This tree looks like holy priest got shafted again. I see a push at Holy Oration play style with the death of flash heal. I see no good reason why druids can talent for convoke but we lost Boon of the ascended or fairies. Sorry but this looks like another nerf and preferred treatment to the beloved meta healers for keys.


I was going to switch to an Evoker but this talent tree is making me reconsiderā€¦ a lot.


I am in the ā€œEvoker was going to be my new mainā€¦ā€ crowd.

New Shadow looking like


Thatā€™s how I feel about Discā€¦ now I am being tornā€¦

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Iā€™m actually still pretty excited to see how the meatshields fair in this reversal lol.

Basically how things go.

Ikr i was thinkin bout dropping priest in dragonflight.
But ima keep disc, bear, then try out some evoker. Man theres gonna be an over saturation of healers though.

Eh they will probably give up like they always do. I glut myself on bribe bags from healers either leaving or being kicked at the beginning of expansions. :wink:

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Fair i doo doubt this race/class is going too be very popular in the long run.
Its pretty much gonna be the most played spec for a month or 2 then just disappear.

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Yeah itā€™s the new shiny so it will be all the rageā€¦ but just like other classes added (save maybe DH), their population tanks pretty quickly.

Ya which is why im so sad they cant be more then just 1 race, or class. Just very restricting sadly.
Wish theyd atleast let you change their visage form, since its welll a visage form.

Eh, maybe later on, who knows. I probably wonā€™t ever use it. I like being ā€œuglyā€. :stuck_out_tongue: I can see why things are locked at first, lore wise makes sense, but maybe they will free them later.

Do you need boon to do dps? literally druids have only the necrolord and NF (which is a slight damage buff since he canā€™t jump a second time without his legendary, while the other one is more for healing than dps since itā€™s not very versatile at all). Unless you want Boon to heal (I donā€™t know how it would be there) and NF to support (this last one if I think it should come back).

Oh yee i play worgen. I just want a worgen dragon.

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