Right now:
Silence is only a shadow spell that must be talented. It’s on a 45 sec CD, with the option to reduce to 30 secs.
Purify is only a holy/disc baseline spell with talents that make it stronger or add a cleanse disease option on a 6 sec CD.
The proposal:
Make both of these baseline talentless spells with options to add more utility to them via the priest talent trees — not the spec trees.
Reduce the CD of silence to 15 seconds to bring in line with other physical interrupts (and furthermore I feel all casters with a stop mechanic like this should be 15 secs) .
The why:
Priests have long needed to bring more utility to the mix which most other healer/caster classes have more of.
With the amount of DOTs and casts trash mobs and other things now have in dungeons and raids, we need to give casters & healers (again not just priests) more options to deal with the influx of incoming damage.
<3 Dani