Priest or Druid

I recently decided on the server I was going to be rolling. My question now is…Priest or Feral druid? I enjoyed tanking as a warrior, and I heard feral Druids are pretty fun as well to tank with. Priest even in shadow can do some good healing up until a certain level. I guess my question is which is more desired? I’m going mostly for PVE this go around while dabbling in some PvP. Just curious on people’s thoughts as far as what’s desired in groups and how easy each class is to level. Thanks!

Depends. Are you planning on raiding or sticking to 5-10 man content?

For raiding, Priests are probably more desirable (because they’re generally better/more versatile healers than Druids).

For pre-raid stuff, feral tanks are probably more desirable (because everybody wants a tank).

Now, if you’re planning on raiding and want to avoid healing, I’d say either class is about as desirable. Feral tanks/shadow priests aren’t bad, per se, but they are sub-optimal, which means most guilds will only run one per raid (maybe two).

If you plan to raid you will pretty much be forced to heal if you want to play a priest. Depending on the guild they might have a spot for a feral tank.

Seems a lot of people rolled priests to main shadow, so healing priests are in high demand on my server at least, since it seems most of the ones that roll shadow either don’t want to respec each week, or don’t care to raid. Doesn’t help that most of the shadow bis items aren’t found in raids either.

I guess it’s a lesser of to evils. Tank and everyone complains about tanking, or heal and everyone complains about healing…decisions…

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The versatility of the Druid is hard to beat. Stealth and heals when you need it. Travel form at 30 for a few silver. The ability to move quickly in the water. Picking flowers in form is also a nice mention. But there are a couple of things you have to accept.

I can do decent DPS in cat, but I accept I will never top the charts. Same as a tank, in a dungeon its fine, but I will never be a raid tank. I have a hybrid talent build to support my play style, and it works. I recommend giving a Druid a go.

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Druid is more fun, imo. My first classic main was a priest and I got so bored of it at 60 (actually, the boredom started around the level 50s), which is sad because I thought I loved healing and that’s why I chose the priest. I’m sure some people love priests… I think it’s probably not for me. I can only guess for you, since I don’t really know you.

My impressions from playing both back in the original WoW/Xpac days & in Classic is that both can be effective at various roles, but each feels very different to play.

  • Druids have more of a relaxed, free-form feel them, while Priests feel more rigid & linear (at least to me).
  • I had no real issues doing the healing role in dungeons as Shadow spec Priest, or even in the heroics & the 20 man raiding that I did back in the day - though certain PuGs & sloppy/bad groups in general can make it more mana challenging.
  • Had no problem Bear tanking in dungeons back in the day (never raided as Feral), nor healing with either a hybrid or full Resto spec in the same content I mentioned above as my Priest.
  • Leather armor tends to look better than cloth - Druid just feel & look more “cool”.
  • Priests have an “easier”, all-purpose core healing toolbox, which is why even Shadow can pull it off effectively in most content without worrying much about Holy talents.
  • Probably easier to get into raiding as Priest, but Druids are more uncommon as mains & thus able to gear up more easily once they do get into raiding.
  • Wand mechanics are super-annoying/clunky & seriously disrupts the flow of your own innate spell casting if you try to alternate between the two.

Roll a priest no question. Druid is the worst class in Classic. Priest is one of the best.

It’s possible to be a raid tank, I did it in vanilla. But I purposely did not roll a druid tank this time because I did not want to relive the lolheal attitude. Which, to be fair, isn’t what it was anymore. Attitudes have changed. That said, raiding is a small portion of the actual game. There’s nothing wrong with playing your toon the way you want and then switching to healing later if you want an easier time getting into a raid group.

Druids take more finesse & effort to play well than a Priest (at least in Vanilla/Classic), so if your goal is an easier to play, more-accepted character then yes Priest. My Priest is currently my main in Classic, but probably not for much longer. Playing an easy class in an easy game just gets old a lot faster.


Play both.

Priest is not easier in PvP, just different. The priest class is well designed. The Druid class is just as it was in Everquest - great for leveling - sub par at end game.