Priest needs help

Healing Priest in general has poor control, no interrupt, limited cleansing, and bad mobility. It may have been a design intention at the time, but to make that work you have to be giving it some very heavy strengths which it really doesn’t have. P.s. Please give up on leap of faith we don’t even like it and the hallmark of good development isn’t to design on your interest, but the interest of the playerbase.

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Leap of Faith is a cool ability and I would love to see it be given more importance.

The problem is that Rescue is better in every way and is available on a class that brings dramatically more utility in essentially all scenarios, which essentially means that Blizzard can’t design any encounters where priests are valued for Leap of Faith because an evoker will always be less of an overall liability to the group and can handle Leap of Faith mechanics better than a priest ever could.

The problem with that is that “every” class has good mobility excluding us, leap of faith is only useful if mobility were super poor.

There is irony in that the best target for Leap of Faith is almost always another priest, but more encounters could be designed with mechanics that make it genuinely useful on most classes. They just don’t do it.

And you’re right - it certainly doesn’t help that most slow classes got huge boosts to their mobility in TWW and priest got essentially nothing. Sure the masochists get 10% more on Angelic Feather, but that’s still slower than every other class in the game, voidweaver got the most useless movement boost in the whole game, and archon actually makes the priest the least mobile class at any point in the history of the game relative to the other classes.