multi season r1 shadow priest can also heal looking for mythic progression on gmt+8 time after 9pm i pve’d a little in the past, however ive been away for a long time and the game has changed quite a bit. i am looking to start raiding, i believe mechanically i have exceptional awareness and enough knowledge of my class to produce more than sufficient numbers. if there are any gmt+8 guilds willing to give this washed up returning player a chance feel free to add my btag DrSeussPhD#1941 or drop a message here.
Hi Drseussmd,
My guild is currently recruiting a spreist to join our mythic raid team and would be happy to help gear you up a bit for it too if you are keen. Come check us out on our Forum Post and if you are interested you can pm myself or the officers.
Hey Drsuessmd. Our guild is on Frostmourne [A] and currently seeking a couple of priests to compliment our core raid team. Current progress is 6/9H and a bit stuck on heroic mekka p2 but should be dead soon enough. A few of the members, including myself, are in +8gmt (Perth) so I know the struggles of finding a guild with suitable raid times.
We only raid on weekends Sat/Sun from 4pm-8pm +8gmt. If weekend raids are your thing then get in contact with me on bnet Sephiroth#2825 otherwise gl with your guild search
hello hydrax your forum post shows alliance i am looking for horde thanks
No problem good luck with your search!
not sure how often threads get bumped but to the top we go!
Hello bro,
Esprit (Thaurissan) is a Mythic Raiding Guild that is looking for committed Raiders like yourself to push for Cutting Edge each tier. Drop me a pm in bnet and lets have a chat to explore possibilities!
We would love to have you as a Holy Priest.