Priest Least Represented

I guess this shouldn’t be surprising after having been completely ignored for as long as we have been. Top 2000 keys and Priests are the least represented class. [Source: mythicstats/period 978]

We’re also bottom tier in raiding dps.

Surely they know the community isn’t happy with their lack of communication or any meaningful changes. A couple of %dmg buffs isn’t cutting it. We’ve given plenty of feedback over the last couple of years.



I think the class pendulum has swung, and priests just happen to be on the back end right now.

Getting the shaman treatment that they were going through during DF. I am hoping to see some big changes coming soon…


Oh woe is me, certainly the sky has fallen. How so ever shall I go on. Hark for I lament it so! Oh surely I’ll never be able to beat any level of play nigh for the upmost echelon. I’m so ruined! Oh no!

(Yea yea blah blah, all 3 specs are viable. YAWN yet another day where I have to see this post. It’s almost like the complaints have been going on for the past 6+ years and yet I’m still able to complete everything my heart desires with absolutely 0 obstacles).

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There’s a lot of cleave dps in the new raid tier so some specs are going to pad more easily. I believe only 2 out of 8 bosses are just pure single target damage. Shadow is still represented mainly for the Fort buff, but will still need some more dps buffs.

For raid healing they got almost every healer roughly around the same overall hps exept for Prevokers and Resto Druids. They’ve buffed Resto Druids to get them up, but Prevokers are probably going to see some nerfs.

For M+ there’s a Resto Shaman meta going on, but by 11.0.5 I think that’s going to shift.

Priest healers are never represented in M+ unless they’re overtuned, so the current low representation is expected. The other healers are packed with useful tools in M+ and priest simply isn’t.

Shadow always oscillates between being extremely weak and extremely powerful, often with it being extremely weak at the start of most seasons. Look at 8.0, 10.0, and 10.2, where shadow was so weak that it actually did less damage than tanks. So this, too, is expected and will improve.

Priest design is still trash, though. Hopefully we remain rejected by the meta and Blizzard starts thinking about why priest isn’t being used rather than phoning it in like they have the last eight years.


It’s more because it’s a Resto Shaman meta so they’re 50% of the healers and the other 50% is split up amongst the other specs. The reason it’s a Resto Shaman meta has to do with the beta. Mistweavers and Holy Paladins were way overtuned throughout most of the beta and got giga nerfed before launch. Holy Paladins still got some post launch nerfs as well.

This left Prevokers and Resto Shamans as the next contenders because Priests didn’t get any revamps. So what will happen is Resto Shamans will stay meta until they nerfed and more classes get buffed in 11.0.5.

Either way the season so far is very non meta-compish like DF S1. The leader boards are all mixed comps compared to other seasons where it was just 5 specs being 90% of the representation.

Holy to me feels incredibly strong compared to DF S1. Back then you had a Flash Heal and a dream. Now I got so many healing cooldowns I can rotate them through a 3 minute fight and cover every boss mechanic.

We just gotta hope that we get a talent tree revamp in 11.1 though.

Been trying to pug heal a stupid 7 key for a damn hour and keep getting rejected in favor of paladins and shaman lol.