Priest kick and better dispel please

The holy rework is nice and all, but for the love of god give holy and disc a kick. And a better dispel also.


Best we can do is remove CoH and Salvation.


CoH is historically one of 2 spells I’ve always adored about Holy Priest, the other being PoM. Salvation will sorely be missed though, I felt like a god when I pressed that button in the right circumstances.


and rapture


You know Ion even went out there in PCMag acknowledging M+ is kind of a dumpster fire - and there are so many design changes needed to fix that - but that situation certainly isn’t helped by having 2 of the main healing specs unable to interrupt the trash pack casts that wipe groups and lead to ragequits.

We even went backwards on utility though, taking away holy’s sorta-kinda brez in Afterlife (which required you to die to use but which would’ve been more useful with Restitution more accessible).

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They’re not giving Disc an interrupt because they keep going FOTM on different seasons.

70% of the healers doing +15s and higher are Disc Priests. The other 20% are Resto Shamans and the 10% is everyone else.

They need to do something for the other healers because Holy Priest, Holy Paladin, and Prevokers are <1% representation.

I don’t want to be a pedant, but “keep going FOTM” in this case means “it happened this last season”.

Disc has largely been fine in M+ since getting buffed in DF season 1, but they weren’t ever FOTM. Usually priest, both specs combined, were 4th in popularity, rising to 3rd come DF.

Blizzard’s refusal to give priest a kick is just another example of their double-standards in action. Mage has been by far the most meta class in the game and has had no significant mechanical problems while also boasting one of the most powerful and versatile kits in the game…but they keep getting update after update after update, getting their toolkit expanded and buffed regularly.

They could absolutely give priest a competitive mobility and utility toolkit and then address healer balance. They just choose not to.


You’re thinking too much about the individual and not the group here.

The vast majority of Disc Priest comps this season are rolling with Prot Paladins. Prot Paladins are interrupt machines and I know because I play one. I can fart out an Avenger’s Shield every 3-8s, use Divine Toll every 60s for AOE interrupts, and have my regular 15s one. 30-40+ interrupts is pretty easy in some of these dungeons.

So when you take a Prot Paly and a Disc Priest you get the perfect synergy because the Disc Priest can Pain Sup the Prot Paly when their defensives are down and the Prot Paly covers most of the interrupts. Couple this with a Mage and an Aug and you got AOE stops galore.

The TLDR is that it’s hard to get Blizzard justified enough to give Disc an interrupt when they’ve been popular season after season and you have healers with interrupts at <2% representation on high keys. If the situation was flipped around and nobody took Holy/Disc because of the no interrupt situation then we’d have an interrupt already.

In raid they do need to do something about roots and knockbacks though, but then again Blizzard is thinking too much about PvP balance.


I understand what you’re saying, but you could effortlessly take the other conclusion from that - if paladins, mages and evokers spew stops, then priest having a kick is irrelevant to its power level and it should be given one because there’s no reason for it to be lacking the tool.

Similarly, it’s ridiculous to balance priest’s lack of tools around other classes having too many tools. Priest shouldn’t be barred from having a basic tool like a kick because paladin has 10 kicks, other tanks have 5 kicks, mage has everything, etc. The correct approach to class parity in that situation is to cut back on the excess that those classes have rather than impose utility austerity on other classes.