Priest Feedback

Continuing the discussion from 20th Anniversary Update PTR Development Notes:

Is there a reason this is applied to Sustained Potency specifically? This feels like a pretty great quality of life change that should be baseline for the spec instead of pinned to a specific choice node in a particular Hero Talent.


Hey not to derail what Publik is saying here but now that Dracthyr will soon be able to be priest can we get a real movement skill on this class?

Double jump glide is the same GCD investment as Angelic feather and is faster and has 0 Cool down.

Why is the bone lord with 300 lbs of metal on him running faster than me and ignoring every knockback?


for the love of god blizzard, please fix shadow crash. it does not do damage, apply dots, initiate combat with stealth targets.

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Why are Priests being completely ignored again?

We had zero major updates the entire beta and none on the PTR.

This is all while Paladins get their 3rd revamp.


So like… the Sustained Potency change is really good, but I agree that this shouldn’t be tied to a specific choice node for one Hero Talent tree. If Voidweaver ever becomes anything short of a DPS loss to play over Archon the loss of the literal only meaningul change we’ve gotten as of this PTR build will be greatly felt.

That said, this being the full extent of changes the entire Priest class is seeing this build is an immense disappointment, considering this is the second or third rework Paladins are getting in a slightly longer timeframe than it took for Shadow to receive its 9.1 rework and considering other classes that have received reworks in 10.0 are continuing to receive a significant amount of iteration in this build while we kinda just got our 9.1 rework and got pretty much nothing sans a boatload of tuning in both directions and having Mindgames removed since then.


I honestly don’t understand why the change to Apotheosis / Void Form needs to be a talent in Archon. This should just be a core feature because you can literally waste Apotheosis with Answered Prayers triggering just as a pack of mobs is about to die.

Also, when are you going to revert the nerf to Holy Word Salvation so its 30s a Holy Word instead of 15s so it’s possible to reset Salv in 5 minutes?

  • From Darkness Comes Light has been updated to also trigger from Holy Fire damage.

You seem to be pushing this talent hard on us, but why would we want to give up Protective Light when you can get a 80%+ uptime from Binding Heals and Flash Heal casts?

Personally I would like a way for Holy to spread SWP around like Disc/Shadow can because it’s not even worth the GCD to cast SWP on Holy.

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Our classtree is probably the worst by now…

… also, we still have by far the most two point nodes of any class, average +3 per tree compared to the next class.


The change priest is getting is to be the only other healer dracthyrs can be. Just give up. You wont get a response. Go play a class that the devs actually talk to.


I would like them to consider giving shadow priests some form of on demand aoe that isn’t tied to dots and psychic link. Personally I find it hard to keep up with tagging things to get credit for quests and other open world content when lots of other players are around doing the same content. and farming old raid/dungeon content without a quick aoe is so tedious


Youre asking for too much. All priest ia gunna get are 2% dmg here and 2 % healing increase you know why they let priests be dracthyr, but not other healers? Is cause we have no utility, they arnt gunna give us jack sht


NGL I just revisited this change and I hate that it is a choice node between this and Halo increased dmg.

Somehow made the choice node worse than it is, IMO.


It’s really disappointing to pay for a new expansion and keep the same features in my favorite class after years, even the hero talents that look entertaining are a waste of dps and no one is going to play them above m+8. We want the same love that they put into the other classes like the mage, paladin and hunter.


Can we remove the cast time on DA/VE while at it?