Priest changes to Shadow Word Death

I understand the nerfs were needed for s priest overall. Outside of gnomer s priest heavily rely on Spirit Tap to not go OOM. The burst capability of all classes are extremely high so getting the last hit on a mob to keep spirit tap going is going to be extremely difficult with the nerf. I think you guys should add the additional dmg to mobs below 20% for shadow word death. This would also keep the PvP aspect balanced which I think is the true reason for the nerf.

Oh…stop…my god…


SW:Death should not be usable until the target is below 20% IMO. Like Execute.

Being able to cast it regardless of the enemy’s remaining health is what makes it busted. Leave the damage as it was but make it so you can only cast it when they’re below 20%. Done.


Priest has shadowfiend for free, and dispersion rune for infinite mana. Expect more nerfs to spriest


I would be okay with it being an execute, but at the same time I would be okay with it staying the same if it went back to 100% damage taken and also tackle on “This damage ignores absorption effects on the player” so it goes through their PWS. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

High risk, high reward!

It should be usable at all times, but only deal full damage at or below 20-25%. It can deal 50-75% reduced damage to targets above that health threshold. That way you can still use it to death fear/blind/poly etc. I do believe it used to function this way (or at least close to this way) at some point in retail’s history.

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Castable at all times but reflect should be 150%.

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Did i miss the link for the Nerfs? Anyone mind dropping a link or tl;dr ?

Try to be less butthurt lol.


Fits the spriest/void concept better than a reflect that does less than the total whole.

what they should do is prevent you from using SW:D at all unless the target is 20% health or lower. it’s an execute.

unless you want to allow warriors to use execute at any % and just take a health hit as penalty if you don’t die? lol

Warlocks last hitting mobs with shadowburn fail to see what the problem is.

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Sure, just make it do reduced damage over the execute threshold like I proposed with sw:d.

Blizz won’t do that because that would be changing a baseline classic spell. The reason changes can be made to death is because it is a rune.

that nonsense went out the window ages ago. they can just add a secret weakaura to adjust baseline skills. they already did it with shadowform.

You would see someone who plays a DK comment like that right.

But everyone is hitting like they are using an execute!

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Naw its a much needed nerf for an instant cast…

The fact that its an excute doesn’t excuse it to excute someone at 40-50% health
Now post nerf you have to use SWD at 15-20% health
just means you have to play different then rely on it to half someone’s health

I see no problem with it

Once again you’re only looking at it in the eyes of PvP. They should make it do full dmg at 25% life.

Not really… what the heck? everything in the game has health values… if a mob as 1000 health and you do 500 to it thats 50%
101 math dude
If youre really upset that you have to do an extra 30% damage before killing it with SWD cuz now it does 20% from the example 50% then I got bad news for you kiddo