Priest Bubbles needs a huge Nerf

I would like to say, how on earth did Blizzard think it was okay to give Priests endless absorbs in Sod? Soul warding rune eliminating a cooldown on Power Word: Shield was a horrendous decision. Priests literally absorb all the damage that goes out in MC and BWL and there is NOTHING ELSE TO HEAL FOR OTHER HEALERS. I don’t know how Activision/Blizzard thinks giving a class endless no cd absorbs is a good idea because it hinders every other healer especially when there is NO DAMAGE GOING OUT FOR OTHER HEALERS TO PLAY THE GAME. There needs to be a huge nerf, whether it is severely cutting the spell coefficient or giving it a cooldown so it can’t be spammed pre fight and during the fight. Please make an adjustment so other healers aren’t falling asleep during the raid. Also don’t comment (bE a bETteR hEaLer) YOU CANT HEAL WHEN EVERYTHING IS ABSORBED AND YOUR CLASS DOESN’T HAVE A BUBBLE! Please make it fair for others and address this matter.

Holy pallies, Resto Druids, Resto Shamans and Mage Healers

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Learn to play


Very constructive feedback. In sod, there is very little raid damage that comes out, most of if not all is avoidable as well if your guild is functional. So even though the priests will be shielding the entire raid pre fight and spamming more throughout, me as a Resto Druid should learn to play with a toolkit that doesn’t have an absorb. What move would you like me to use? Wild growth a full health Party? Nourish a full health player? Make an overheal goal for myself for fun? Not much logic in your comment.

I would agree the combination of soul warding rune and divine aegis rune for priest make most other sources of healing almost obsolete.

Another issues is that bubble does not punish over healing. I played holy priest from classic MC through naxx. I did extensive downranking to keep my overhead percentage very low. I get sod characters are OP in general. But compared to the other healing toolkits- the no cd mega pws seems a bridge too far.

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Thank you and that is 100% accurate. Spamming of PW shield is not inclusive gameplay for anyone else, especially in classic with little raid damage to begin with. Priest has a very strong toolkit already so a nerf to Soul Warding would just help level the playing field in a Priest shield dominated meta that blizzard created. A cooldown on soul warding would prevent it from being spammed but would keep it still strong for priest, or reducing the spell coefficient drastically. Molten Core was absolutely brutal for every healing class other than priest so I really hope Blizzard is in the works with a huge nerf to these shields going into AQ 40

I mean, the whole point of bubble is that it is essentially over healing by being preventative.

Yah - and I think it is appropriate, when there is a draw back. When it is buffed significantly with no cd and as a result hinders gameplay of other classes- it is a problem.


Is weakened soul not a thing? I know you can hard cast heals to reduce it, but if people are doing that, maybe the bigger issue is that the boss fights aren’t doing enough damage. It’d likely be that one specific rune that needs the nerf if people are resorting to doing that.

You’re correct a huge issue is that bosses do not do much damage. Only a few bosses have unavoidable damage so if your guild is playing correctly there is little to no damage going out. Soul warding is the rune that removed a cooldown from power:word shield, lowered the mana cost and increased the amount it heals by a large margin. It makes a move like shield which is great for sudden damage spikes, and makes it just a move you blanket the whole raid with pre fight and during. So there are two issues, little boss damage in classic and endless healer absorbs which makes the other healers obsolete.

Yes, but that doesn’t remove the weakened soul effect, which is a forced cooldown on the target after you’ve casted it. The rune I was referring to removes that forced weakened soul effect when casting a couple of heals.

I’d think blanketing the raid with PWS would still oom the priest pretty substantially, though I don’t know what the mana situation is looking like in raids, as I’ve been avoiding them as much as I possibly can this go around. I guess if you have healers biting at the chops to get a heal off, mana isn’t going to be a problem.

Isn’t super surprising to me. Buffing gear so much, and having new substantial abilities without adjusting the raids that much, I can definitely see issues arising from it.

Weakened soul is still there, a lot of alliance guilds have 2 priests so both priests blanket the raid pre fight and by the time the fight starts and the shield gets absorbed they can blanket a second time. Mana in sod is also basically infinite which is another reason why endless bubbles is terrible for the game and for the other healers. Bosses die quick cuz dps are overpowered. Also little damage goes out in the short fight. For mana Priests have around 11k mana with flask of distilled, can get funneled innervates plus have consumes, shadowfiend, dispersion, mana pots etc. again there’s a lot of issues here but since bosses die quick and with little damage to go out, having an infinite mana priest with endless bubbles kills every healer.

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How is not having to heal as much “hindering the gameplay of other classes”

When there is little damage going out and blizzard gives a priests a no cd absorb, that is terrible design because other healers do not get to play. How would that be fun for other healers? It’s like woltk disc priest except no damage is coming out from bosses cuz it’s classic. Is that fun and engaging play for others when the little damage coming out from bosses gets absorbed and doesn’t even give other healers a chance to heal?

About as fun and engaging as it is to dps these 2m hp target dummies that go down in 30 seconds.

You can also do other things like dispel/decurse

Well I agree there, bosses should have much more health, do more damage to tank/raid and have more mechanics, but alas it is classic. Since we don’t have any of this, having a priest no cd absorb is the worst thing possible for other healers and should never have been made a rune in classic. It doesn’t work with the little damage and easy boss mechanics of classic. It only is okay if there is a ton of raid damage. All of the healing will just be absorbed not even giving others a chance to heal.

Sounds like your raid is bringing too many healers

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I feel like having 3 healers (2 priests and 1 Resto druid) for 20-25 players shouldn’t be too many healers for a raid. Plus unless you are a guild leader you cant just decide for you raid to drop healers you know?

i’m a priest, and even with another priest in the raid i let them bubble it up and play around it. there is still plenty to heal bc rarely does everybody play perfectly.

Sounds like it is tho if some of your healers have nothing to do.

This was never an issue before phase 4 though until they introduced this absorb endless cd though. It specifically hinders all other healers by not even giving them a chance to play. Instead of eliminating healers from every raid because blizzard messed up and made an op endless bubble where mana is infinite, they should nerf it so other healers get a chance to play instead of just saying get rid of healers